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The moral collapse of the West

The political, financial and military responsibility of the West in the Palestinian genocide and the attempted Israeli invasion of Lebanon announces an irremediable moral decline. A signed text Fouad Bahri.

« The Hour will not come until the sun rises in the West ».

In Islamic tradition, this statement attributed to the Prophet designates one of the great signs of eschatology. Two readings of this tradition exist. A literal reading: the sun will really rise from the West (west) instead of the East (east), a reading emphasizing the end-of-cycle character specific to the “Hour” which designates the cataclysmic moment of the End of the World and the subsequent advent of the Last Judgment.

A second symbolic reading exists, which is not incompatible with the literal reading, according to which the sun rising in the west would designate the birth and the apogee of Western civilization which has dominated the world scene in recent centuries. In this short text, we will rely on another reading, also symbolic and which completes the second reading mentioned.

The Western sun sets in the East

If the expression “the sun rose in the west” means that the Hour will occur at the moment when the train of civilization reaches the west, namely the west, it must also mean that this same civilizational sun will lie in the east. Otherwise, the Hour would have already arrived since the zenith of Western civilization is behind us. What could this reading mean?

Quite simply that Western civilization is currently experiencing its decline and its end and that this decline and this end is taking place in the heart of the Middle East. We are obviously referring to the moral collapse of the West and its immense responsibility for the destruction of the Middle Eastern region. It is indeed in the East that the West lies. Let’s explain.

By its blind and criminal support for the destructive policy of the Israeli general staff under the orders of a war criminal convicted by the International Criminal Court, by the supply of death devices and deliveries of weapons essential to the commission of these crimes, by the financing of a genocidal enterprise in Palestine and today in Lebanon, and perhaps worst of all, by the dissemination ad nauseam of daily media lies on the ins, outs and real responsibilities of the warmongers, the West goes to bed.

The butterfly effect

He lies down before his false ideals of rationality, culture of law, humanism, distant vestiges of a lost heritage in which he no longer believes. More than anything, he gives in to his death instincts, tragically giving in to his most pronounced nihilistic tendencies. The moral conscience of the West has died out.

The blood-tinted sun of declining Western civilization is currently bathing in a river of hemoglobin and, in its pronounced unconsciousness, threatens to transform into a regional deluge of blood at the risk of drowning the East… and the West. Since everything that hits the East physically hits the mind of the West in one way or another. The end of Western civilization and the abysmal moral debt it has created in its wake portends bad times ahead.

The Torments of the Zombie West

« I sat at the edge of their great avenue of coffins, with the carrion and even with the vultures — and I laughed at all their past and at the crumbling splendor of this past which is falling into ruins. » Thus spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche.

The zombie West, to paraphrase Emmanuel Todd, is dead but he doesn’t know it. Like a feverish body searching for its soul, like a lost soul desperately waving its fingers in the void in search of body, of earth, of deep roots. Death has mowed down everything there was, the harvest is over. All that remains is a silent agony waiting for an end.

Between 100,000 and 186,000 Palestinians, the vast majority of them children, were murdered by the Israelis in a single year. In this dark picture, the destructive fire of the bombs thrown from the abyss was not the cruelest form of this collective murder that some lost souls dared to call “retaliation”. Famine and disease, like hyenas following the pack, completed Israel’s grim work.

The courage of the Palestinians, the valor of the Lebanese

Now, the Lebanese, a people from a country whose borders were demarcated by , a former colonial power and Pontius Pilate of a time who no longer manage to wash their hands because they are so dirty, who do not no longer feels the need for it, the inhabitants of the country of Cedar therefore suffer the criminal madness of an unleashed army that only the courage and valor of the patriots engaged in the defense of their territory and their lives, repel as best they can.

The world sees, the world knows. And at the end of the path, and at the bottom of the ravine, someone waits, impassive. God.

« The Hour will not come until the sun rises in the west “. The sun rose and set. At the threshold of the door, the incandescent judgment of history and of Men humbly steps out of the way, places itself to the side, renouncing to judge that which exceeds its capacities and leaving room to those who have the right, to a superior Judgment, of which the paths are definitely impenetrable.

The final fall

The moral collapse, fall and spiritual death of the West are realities too strong to hide. From every point of view, the degeneration of Western “anti-elites”, of their morals, the tragic and obscene ugliness of their manners, of their natural hypocrisy, the shame and humiliation that they inflict on their citizens to the point of miraculously inspiring the most unbelieving among them with a gesture of prayer hoping that they will fall quickly, and succumb to the next step, all this decadence whispers this invocation: may the interminable agony end, finally.

The United States occupies first place by a long way in this frightening podium of world crime. The holy Israeli-American alliance, sealed in the blood of the Arab world, will go to the end and honor its pact until a superior force puts an end to it. The provocation, the threat, the organized destruction of life in Middle Eastern societies, all the elements of its macabre program appear in purple letters on a funeral blackboard, and applied without scruples.

The tragic end of Attila’s brother

Let Europe not deceive itself. A serf, what Europe is today for Washington, has no value and can be sacrificed like a pawn on the chessboard of people’s lives. Europe was in the past for the American-Israeli axis, what Bleda, the brother of Attila was for the bloodthirsty conqueror of Europe, an obstacle to his thirst for conquest and destruction.

Bleda reminded his cruel brother that he was his conscience and that he was working to slow him down in his conquering ardor. It hurt him. Attila murdered his brother by throwing these words in his face: “ Without conscience, I would be equal to God “. Poor conception of the Divine and conscience which earned him defeat in the face of a declining Roman Empire and, shortly after, his death, himself assassinated by poisoning.

Stumbling blocks

Madness is its own term. Carried away by her destructive fury, she always ends up gouging out her eyes. In the end, it’s all about patience. Deprived of light, eclipsed by the setting of a black sun eternally frozen in the night of the spirit, Israel dreams of a world populated by corpses and slaves littering the glorious road to Greater Israel. But his shoe, imprinted with children’s hair stuck to a sole whose image is a skull, has already hit a few stumbling blocks.

The will to resist of the Palestinians, whose courage and inner strength have surpassed in intensity anything that the capitals of the world have been able to produce, supported in this by the Lebanese engaging in heroic battles against the invader, all these Manifestations of the human spirit responding to the sacred call of the Divine have already demonstrated to little Israel that thousands and millions of bombs cannot kill an idea, a will.

The Israeli failure

And this is the greatest failure of the Jewish state. His belief in the sole superiority of weapons, money, power and technology that all imperialism requires, made him curiously forget that the only human cause at the origin of the historical survival of the people of Israel was not neither material, nor political, nor even economic or social, but psychological and spiritual: faith in a single God to whom he never really knew how to remain faithful, as evidenced by the condemnations of the Old Testament, and the singular awareness of his identity .

An identity which diversified over time and attenuated gradually with the political and then military victories of the past century. Israeli excess has very paradoxically believed to replace this past identity dissolved by modernity and its secularizing upheavals that were the nationalist and Marxist utopias, with a new identity based on the cult of force, contempt, pride and fear. “ Vanity, everything is vanity ».

The decline of the United States

This inability to form a nation, due to lack of people and historical land as Shlomo Sand recalled and therefore of moral legitimacy, could never be redeemed by the “civilizing” ideals of the West and its cult of force.

The imposition of the dollar as an international currency symbolizes American hegemonism.

The United States, the pioneering beginnings of the Israeli colonial odyssey, have failed for decades to export their model of society because they no longer have one. The explosion of inequalities of the neo-liberal model and the mediocrity of a culture with detestable symbols such as junk food and the excessive violence of series and films without any storyline depth, have put an end to the American dream. Only military force allows the last Empire to impose its hegemonic will, of which the dollar is the international flag. But until when?

A long western night

The revolt of peoples, armed and supported by ancient civilizations resurgent, proves that times are changing, even in this kingdom of eternity that is the Orient. And that every zenith ends in its nadir which is the lowest point, where the West is currently located. Can new sunrises be expected in the future?

Maybe not. Not before a long night imposes its indefinite wait, an overwhelming “sleepless night” during which the exhausted mind longs for only one thing, a long and deep sleep, a desire for a peaceful death. False pretense. Behind this much-desired sleep, swarm legions of broke souls who have come to demand their tribute. And, in this territory of shadows, are determined to obtain it…

Fouad Bahri

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