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“We breathe on Inter”, a day for a change of scenery, Monday October 14, 2024


Friday October 11, 2024

« We breathe on Inter”

A day for a change of scenery

Monday October 14, 2024

Air pollution is a major concern for the French. While it causes nearly 50,000 premature deaths each year, mainly due to the cardiovascular and respiratory diseases it causes, France Inter is organizing a special day this Monday, October 14 for a change of scenery!

How to protect yourself from this pollution? What concrete actions can be implemented to improve air quality in transport, in schools, at home or at work? What can citizens, businesses and public authorities do? ?

To answer these questions and provide practical solutions and advice to listeners, France Inter is offering a dedicated day, this Monday, October 14, with the program:

The 5/7 – Mathilde Munos

6h20 – Sylvia Medina, surveillance program coordinator Air and health at SPF (Public Health France)

6h45 – We are decarbonizing / Raphaël Gerson

Air quality and modalities

The 7/10 – Nicolas Demorand, Léa Salamé and Sonia Devillers

7h15 – Editorial zoom

My polluted day, from bed to work via transport ? Rémi Brancato

And numerous reports in the different editions of the morning

Great good for you / Ali Rebeihi

How to breathe better at home? with :

  • Nhan Pham Thipediatric pulmonologist and allergist, associate professor at CMHP (collège de Médecine des Hôpitaux de ), associate researcher at the polytechnic school in health economics;
  • Thomas Similowskiprofessor of pulmonology at the Faculty of Health Sorbonne University and hospital practitioner at Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, author of The superpowers of breathingco-written with Guillaume Jacquemont. (Albin Michel, 2024);
  • Isabella Annesi Maesanoresearch director at Inserm and professor of environmental epidemiology, deputy director of the Desbret Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, a joint Inserm and University of research unit.

The 13/14 / Jérôme Cadet

Low Emission Zones – Live from Schiltighem ( Eurometropolis) with:

  • Danielle Dambachmayor of and vice-president of the Strasbourg Eurometropolis in charge of the transition
  • Etienne Koszulgeneral director of TAMO
  • Axel Meyerengineer and representative of the Strasbourg Respire association
  • Angelique Voglercarrier representative

With reports from Sandy Dauphinenvironment journalist:

  • At the Climate Agency, on the acceptance of the ZFE and support for the transition;
  • In a unit of measurement in the “Danube” eco-district, how is the air controlled?

The Earth Squared / Mathieu Vidard

Forest and ocean, the lungs of the planet? with :

  • Marina Levyoceanographer, research director at the CNRS (LOCEAN-IPSL laboratory), ocean advisor to the IRD
  • Jean-Pierre WigneronINRAE ​​research director in , specialist in carbon sinks

Zoom Zoom Zen / Matthew Christmas

« The quarter-hour city » with the town planner Carlos Moreno

All day long, a solution to breathe better in the editorial flashes.

>>> A day to also follow on France Inter’s social networks

Contacts presse :

Lucas Heral – Charlotte Savalle


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