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World Mental Health Day: Together for

MONTREAL, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — On this World Mental Health Day, the Association for Public Health of Quebec (ASPQ), highlights certain worrying elements concerning young people in Quebec and invites the population to take care of them. Today, more than one in five young Quebecers in high school perceive their mental health as fair or poor and symptoms of anxiety or depression affect nearly one in two young people.1. Although the mental health of young people may have been compromised in recent years, the adults around them have the power to support them in developing their skills.

The upheaval in lifestyle habits, climate change, concern about weight and appearance or the upheavals in social life have a strong impact on young people. “It is important that, at school and at home, adults support them in developing skills that promote their mental health and well-being,” says Karolane Proulx, mental health case manager at the ASPQ.

Positive mental health can be cultivated!

To support parents and people who work in a school context to promote good mental health and create living environments favorable to it, the ASPQ has developed a directory of free online tools (

This site brings together the expertise of many recognized organizations across Quebec and Canada. There are podcasts, capsules, information sheets and infographics that respond to different issues. Whether it is self-esteem, body image, stress and anxiety, lifestyle habits, violence, sexuality or gender identity, several resources are available to support young people in the development of skills and competencies necessary to confront the challenges they face.

Learning to know themselves, to manage their emotions or to ask for help are among the positive behaviors to transmit to preserve their well-being.

“Promoting positive mental health on a daily basis is essential and benefits everyone, whether you have a mental health disorder or not. It allows us to adapt to the challenges and stressful elements of life, it also helps to promote the development of balanced and resilient young people, who will contribute to a more prosperous and harmonious Quebec society,” concludes Ms. Proulx.

About the site It’s cultivated
Positive mental health, it is cultivated brings together tools from different organizations and institutions that have developed expertise in positive mental health which aim to promote the development of personal and social skills of young people and the creation of environments favorable to their mental health. For more details, visit It is cultivated.

This initiative is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Health and Social Services.

About the Association for Public Health of Quebec (ASPQ)
The ASPQ brings together citizens and partners to make sustainable health, through prevention, a priority. It supports social and economic development by promoting a sustainable concept of health and well-being. Sustainable health is based on a long-term vision which, while providing care to everyone, also ensures that they are kept healthy through prevention. For more details,

For any interview request:

Vera Ferret
Public relations manager
Association for Public Health of Quebec and Vital Collective
Such. 450-626-8870
Email: [email protected]

1 Généreux, M., Bergeron, J., Bourassa, L., Brisson Sylvestre, MP., Fafard, AC. and Melançon, M-È. (2023) Survey on the psychological health of 12-25 year olds. Report 2023. University of Sherbrooke.


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