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“Ending the era of oil”: in , residents invited to express their views on the implementation of renewable energies

A citizen consultation is underway until October 25 to define strategic areas for the development of renewable energies in the municipality.

It is on a major subject that Frontignanais are invited to give their opinion throughout the month of October. That of the definition of Renewable Energy Acceleration Zones in the municipality (ZAER) in this case, which should guide future projects in this area over the coming years. Until October 25, residents can therefore express their opinions on the mapping presented by the City, either directly in ballot boxes deposited at the town hall and at the annexed town hall.

Local acceptance

Concretely, it is nothing more and nothing less than deciding where tomorrow’s renewable energies will be developed as a priority in . Direct consequence of the APER law passed in April 2023 which must precisely “allow to achieve its objectives in terms of production and consumption of renewable energy, but also to catch up in terms of energy transition”the establishment of these ZAER has the dual objective “to guide project leaders” but also “to attest to local acceptance”.

Hence the importance of including citizens in the decision-making process. And this despite “tight timing”concedes Loïc Linares, municipal councilor in charge of sustainable development and democratic transition, who has made citizen consultation on climate issues his hobby horse. Started on October 5, the consultation on the ZAER will end on the 25th of this month. That’s barely 20 days to find out and give your opinion. “These are issues that we have been working on for years with the population, and which we will continue to examine”nuance the chosen one who thinks he knows “that real acceptance already exists on these subjects”.

Photovoltaics on roofs

Because the maps presented by the City on its website, if they still remain amendable, are already the fruit of multiple “round tables, consultations and debates”underlines Loïc Linares. “We’ll see if it sticks somewhere we wouldn’t have thought, but I’m relatively confident.” If we look at the different layers of the cartography, we realize that it is the photovoltaic shade roofs which are the most represented, a sign of the will “to include the capacity of individuals to accommodate this type of energy”explains the elected official.

Ground-based photovoltaics would potentially develop in the former industrial wastelands of the Lafarge quarries to the west of the city and especially the polluted Exxon-Mobil site. A way for the municipality “to send a political signal to say that the era of oil is indeed over“. Finally, the potential of methanization but especially geo and thalassothermy is also part of the avenues envisaged for the energy mix of tomorrow.

After this consultation, the final maps will be sent to the prefecture for validation. “We will then finally be able to benefit from the benefits of the APER law and the reductions in administrative constraints that it provides in particular with regard to the coastal law.concludes Loïc Linares.


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