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GRDF calls for the establishment of new methane reactors in

To achieve the trajectory of the Agreement and respond to the environmental emergency, the gas distribution network manager GRDF is developing its decarbonization plan by region. In , where the Engie subsidiary has 534,000 customer households, one of its three main levers concerns the development of renewable gases, with the objective of reaching 30% of green gas (biomethane) in the electricity networks. by 2030.

Faced with excesses, suspends its aid for methanization

This is more than 20% nationally. And this involves multiplying production capacity fivefold to reach 5.1 terawatt-hours per year, including 4.6% via methanization (production from waste). In the region, 90 injection methane digesters have been established since 2015 and generate a production of 1 terawatt-hour injected into the network, for 7% of consumption. In addition, there are nearly 150 electricity cogeneration units.

200 new methane digesters in 2030?

« Brittany is a land of livestock, there is material to produce green gas from effluents and crop residues for domestic use or for businesses » observes David Colin, Territories director at GRDF Bretagne.

« Without large industries, consumption is less significant but the potential is there. For methanization alone, it is estimated at 14 terawatt hours. In addition to a doubling of the number of methanizers (around 220 in 2030), the growth in green gas production will also be driven by new means of production such as pyrogasification (conversion of residues and solid waste into injectable gas) and hydrothermal gasification (conversion of wet biomass to natural gas) » specifies David Colin, who primarily targets agricultural methanization (on the farm) or territorial methanization.

Like the biogas methanizer inaugurated in 2023 in Marches de Bretagne, near Fougères, and developed by the community of municipalities with the help of the Regional Council and the renewable energies union 35 Energ’IV. This unit supplies 1,800 homes with green gas from manure from several farms and waste from food industries.

A sensitive subject

« GRDF finances 60% of unit connections and we facilitate locations by adapting the network » explains David Colin. The regional management also anticipates a global investment of 250 to 300 million euros by 2035 to finance the laying of pipes and connections, the networking of consumption zones, storage and reverse stations, which redirect gas to the transport network. From four today, there will be around twenty in 2035.

Methanization, sometimes accused of causing nuisance on in terms of odors, or even risks of overflow or pollution, However, remains a sensitive subject in terms of social acceptability among residents. Its future will indeed depend on the communities that own the networks and the Region.

Since 2019, Brittany has stopped subsidies for industrial methanization, which has “become profitable” and is currently focusing on supporting breeders in micro-methanization (nénufar system of covering slurry pits to produce gas and self-consumed heat). The Regional Council could also make public by the end of the year a study, in progress since 2021, “for reasoned methanization” and with a precise regulatory framework.

“Brittany has the capacity to be autonomous in terms of non-fossil gas production by 2050. We need public authorities to develop a political vision around ENR, especially since the gas position is important in the region » urges David Colin.

Drop in consumption of 3 to 5% per year

1.1 million Bretons are heated with gas in the network operated by GRDF. This represents one house in three and one collective dwelling in two, and just over 500,000 delivery points. Leading territory for individual housing (71%), Brittany also has 51% of housing classified E, F or G in terms of energy.

While gas consumption fell by 25% between August 2023 and July 2024 in , GRDF’s decarbonization trajectory also involves reducing the carbon footprint of its Breton customers.

The supplier, which plans to halve greenhouse gas emissions from its own activities, anticipates a drop in consumption of 3 to 5% per year by 2030: to reach 13.3 terawatts. -hours of primary energy in 2030 compared to 17 terawatt-hours currently (- 21% between 2019 and 2030).

“The drop in consumption will continue and will be linked to sobriety, renovation and energy efficiency initiatives” assures David Colin, who targets a stable customer base.

« The gas will be greener and greener. It has its place in decarbonization work, at an acceptable and sustainable cost (new boiler, oil-gas conversion, hybrid heat pump) » argumente David Colin.


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