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One of the co-accused of the double murder and triple attempted murder of Nexon refuses to appear before the Haute- assizes

Abdelkader Belarbia, 28, and David Malioukov, 31, are accused of a double murder and a triple attempted murder, committed in Nexon in Haute-, on the night of June 15 to 16, 2021.

On this fourth day of trial for a double murder and a triple attempted murder which occurred in June 2021 in Nexon, while the Haute-Vienne Assize Court was to hear the testimony of the children of Cécilia Peroux who were at the On the floor when their mother was killed, one of the co-defendants Abdelkader Belarbia refused to appear in court. He submitted to the court a document written in his hand.

In the letter sent this Thursday, he wrote: “I am not psychologically ready to hear serious things about me. I need to take a step back because I can’t accept it and I can’t mourn it even after years. I will never ask the family for forgiveness because what I did is unforgivable. I regret having taken the life of Pierrick Berthier. I don’t want to expose myself. »

A letter which shocked the family a little more, already affected by the behavior of Cécilia Peroux’s former spouse during the previous days of hearing.

The court, for its part, launched a specific procedure: a summons to appear will be issued to Abdelkader Belarbia through a judicial commissioner, who was also tasked with asking the accused again if he wished to appear.

Reactions also from lawyers

The lawyer for the second accused, David Malioukov, requested that Abdelkader Belarbia be heard, a request also relayed by the lawyers of the civil parties.

“It’s too easy. He is still contemptuous of families. I am shocked by this letter,” confides Me Josyane Andrieu Filliol, David Malioukov’s counsel. “He didn’t even have a word for the children,” deplores Me Nathalie Préguimbeau, the lawyer for the civil parties.

The hearing is now suspended.

Double murder and triple attempted murder of Nexon: the ordeal of the trial for the victims’ relatives

Emilie Montalban at the Haute-Vienne Assize Court, with Marie-Julie Achard


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