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Top 14. Before : ticket sales more difficult than during previous relocations to Anoeta

Main stand, East balcony, Ondarreta, Atotxa or Zubieta bends… The spectator who, at the last minute, would like to buy tickets for the meeting between Aviron Bayonnais and Stade Rochelais, relocated to the Anoeta stadium in San Sebastián , Saturday October 14, from 4:30 p.m., is spoiled for choice. In most blocks, entire clusters of seats still remain available.

Of the 39,500 seats in the Reale Arena, temple of Real Sociedad footballers, around 10,000 had still not found a taker, this Wednesday, October 9, three days before the match. According to the club’s communications department, “more than 30,000 spectators” are expected to attend the clash on the 12th.e against 2e of the ranking. “To tell you if we will reach 31, 34 or 36,000, it’s hard to say,” we politely brush off when we ask for the exact number of sales made.

The club does not wish to dwell on these ticketing difficulties (1). And prefers to recall the fifty buses already full to transport the supporters to Anoeta, as well as the copious entertainment program which awaits them on site.

On the same subject

Rowing Bayonnais: Esteban Capilla, the pleasant surprise

The Bayonnais brought back a point and certainty from their trip to the UBB pitch (30-27) this Saturday: they will be able to count on the young Esteban Capilla (21 years old) in the rotation of the third line this season

Two matches, two defeats

The fact remains that Aviron Bayonnais will never have had such difficulty selling out its places for a relocation “to the other side”. For comparison, the Donostiar stadium was full to the rafters, in March 2023, for the reception (38,645 tickets sold). Last March, that of had piqued the curiosity of some 36,414 spectators.

Except that these last two matches on Guipuzcoan soil also ended in two defeats: 30-20 during the Basque-Landais derby in 2023, and 10-46 against the club in 2024. Sébastien Vergez, president of the Peña Baiona, recognizes that since then, a group of supporters have felt a certain “apprehension” about crossing the gates of the Reale Arena. “These two defeats against Pau and Toulon had serious consequences. Each time, they intervened in the last third of the championship, where we could have slipped into the top 6,” he regrets.

Marina (2) is one of these recalcitrant subscribers. “I put my place up for sale on Facebook, but it’s not going anywhere,” she grumbles. “Beyond the fact that I do not condone putting the team in danger just because it is an “economically interesting” operation (3), I do not like the atmosphere of Anoeta. Half of the public does not come there for the match, but to enjoy an outing in San Sebastián,” criticizes this supporter from the start.

Symbolic significance

Yann Larre, the president of the Gars de l’Aviron, deplores this “reluctance” which is plaguing the ranks of sky and white supporters. “Obviously we prefer the atmosphere of Jean-Dauger, but if we want to grow our team, we also have to know how to play in big stadiums like Anoeta and get out of our comfort zone,” argues the one who will be part of the 180 volunteers mobilized on the morning of the meeting to “decorate” the stands in the Rowing colors.

Nicolas Daguerre, the president of the BOC, shares the same opinion. Especially since in his eyes, this “cross-border experience” has an important symbolic significance for a club “which claims its Basque identity”. An argument which, it is clear, will not be enough to satisfy Anoeta this time. “We must not neglect the economic context,” continues Nicolas Daguerre. I imagine that the idea of ​​spending a day in San Sebastián, with all the associated expenses that entails, also represents a barrier for some households,” he explains.

As for this so-called “curse” which would strike the players as soon as their feet set foot on the Anoeta pitch, the president of the Peña Baiona does not believe it. He recalls that the team has won several victories in this venue. Since 2009, Aviron Bayonnais has played 9 matches there: 4 won and 5 lost. “A victory against would be enough for us to talk about the “miracle of Anoeta””, he quips.

(1) Philippe Tayeb, the president of Aviron Bayonnais, did not respond to requests from “Sud Ouest”.

(2) The first name has been changed.

(3) After the 2023 relocation, profits would have oscillated between 500,000 and 800,000 euros for Aviron Bayonnais.


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