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. Three projects awarded the 2024 Young Research Prize

Around forty candidates and only three elected. This Tuesday, October 8, the Metropolis and the City of , in partnership with the ComUE University of Lyon, awarded the Young Research Prize to three projects on the following themes: “Health and life sciences”, “Sciences exact” and “Human and social sciences”.

Marine Mondino won the Health and Life Sciences prize for her work which focuses on the cognitive processes allowing us to distinguish imagination from reality. William De Rezende Locatel, who works on the conversion of biomass to produce bio-oils, won the Exact Sciences Prize and the Human and Social Sciences Prize was awarded to Anne-Céline Callens, lecturer in human sciences. art at the Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne University, specializing in advertising creation from the interwar period.

Read also on Tribune de Lyon: Two researchers from the University of Lyon 2 rewarded by the Institut Universitaire de

Note that a “Jury’s Favorite” prize was also awarded to Sarah Souhail Gebai on the theme “Societal issues and challenges”. All these researcher winners received 5,000 euros in addition to their prize during this ceremony. “With the Young Research Prize, we first want to reward excellence in terms of scientific production in our territory. Each year, the number of candidates shows us to what extent our universities, our grandes écoles and our research organizations, as well as the CNRS, are rich in talents who produce remarkable work, praised internationally.welcomed Jean-Michel Longueval, vice-president at the Métropole de Lyon responsible for Higher Education and Research.

Chloë Vidal, Deputy Mayor of Lyon responsible for local democracy and accountability, evaluation and foresight, universities, research and cooperation, for her part welcomed this ceremony which “allows us to highlight very rich paths and research work”.


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