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the mayors of the Channel coast challenge the government on the “migratory problem”

There were fifteen of them this Tuesday, October 8 at the town hall. Fifteen mayors of municipalities on the Channel coast, increasingly worried about the “ migration problem » which directly impacts them. BFMTV reported that they had met, at the initiative of Natacha Bouchart, the mayor of Calais, to voice their grievances to the new government.

Questioned by BFMTV, Sony Clinquart, the mayor of Grand-Fort-Philippe, was very angry at the lack of consideration from the French state. “ The situation is on the verge of explosion “, he blurted, before continuing: “ We can’t take it anymore and as mayors we need, beyond good words, concrete actions to stem this phenomenon because it is catastrophic and our populations are turning to us, demanding and demanding firm responses. and adapted. »

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Fears for their safety expressed by residents

At the end of this meeting, the mayors expressed a feeling of relief, appreciating being able to share with others the difficulties they are going through. A press release was written for the government of Michel Barnier. According to BFMTV, the mayors denounce “ increasingly violent behavior ”, and above all question the “ legitimate fears expressed by coastal populations ».

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The next step for elected officials is to establish a list of “ concrete proposals » to present to Michel Barnier.

The Pas-de-Calais prefecture estimated that the people gathered on the French coast in the hope of reaching England numbered around a thousand. In 2024, 51 people will have died attempting to cross the Channel.


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