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Doggies in the spotlight for the 2nd Dog Day

Collies, King Charles Cavaliers, Malinois, Irish Setters, German Shepherds and even Chihuahuas: there were many of them present during this second edition of Dog Day, which took place on Saturday October 5 on Tabarly Cove. While some simply came to walk and socialize, like Popeye, a 5-month-old American shepherd, others, however, would have been happy to try out the different activities offered. This is the case of Vulcain, an 11-month-old harlequin beauceron and his owner Emma: “ We saw the event, so rather than going for a walk in the forest this morning, we came here. We come to meet friends and why not try some activities! “. And there were many of them.

Numerous stands and activities

Mohamed Mahali, deputy mayor, and Clémence Mounier, municipal councilor, both in charge of the Animal delegation in the city, kicked off the event at 10 a.m. after warmly thanking the participants: “ If these days are successful, it is thanks to the City services and all the associations. I thank everyone present and wish you a good day! “. Demonstration of canine first aid by Civil Protection, sea rescue by the Newfoundlands of the Action Terre-Neuve 83 club, introduction to agility and heeling with the Ollioules Kennel Club or even canicross with the Dogs & Furious association… The activities continued throughout the day. Dog owners and visitors were also able to obtain information from the stands run by the Municipal Police, the Animal mission in the city of , the Syndicat des Vétérinaires d’Exercis Libéral du , the Association of Guide Dogs for the Blind PACA, the Society for the Protection of Animals (which will celebrate its 180th anniversary next year) and the Animal Assistance Foundation. They were also able to consult at their leisure the works on canines specially selected by the staff of the City’s media libraries.

“Mom, there’s a Newfoundland!” »

Ask questions but also admire the many dogs present. This was the motivation of Maëlie, who came with her mother Alexandra: “ Mom, there’s a Newfoundland! » exclaims the little girl, amazed by Silver, 2 and a half years old and 70 kilos, member of the Action Newfoundland 83 club. It’s his favorite breed. It’s great to organize this kind of day! We don’t have any animals so it’s nice to see them. » continues Alexandra. The many visitors are delighted, like Ysis, who came with Paillette: “ It’s good to make owners aware of keeping dogs on a leash so that everyone can live together in the city peacefully. “. Because showing that our four-legged friends can move around in public spaces in harmony with people who don’t have one was also one of the objectives of Dog Day. On this occasion, the municipality wanted to offer Toulon residents educational alternatives while promoting the inclusion of dogs in the city. It was also about showing the richness of the Toulon associative fabric linked to canines. A success for Jean-Marie, member of the Action terre-neuve 83 club: “ These days allow us to show our work ».

This event proves, if necessary, the City’s interest and concern for animal welfare.


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