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Quint-Fonsegrives. School sports day and media library news

National Sports Day : The national school sports day took place on the town’s sports facilities, in the presence of Mr. Jean-Pierre Gasc the mayor, Caroline Frézouls director of the elementary school, Camille Charles inspector of national education, Patrick Charron sports teacher at the SDJES de la Haute-Garonne, teachers, association leaders and parents. A day acclaimed by children and the educational and associative community. This highlight aims to promote the activities of school sports associations and federations among students, educational teams, parents and the local sports world. The objective of this day is to continue to bring the legacy of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games to life, to promote school sport, and to attract new students to school sport, which contributes to the development and student success. On the occasion of this day, several sporting activities were organized on municipal facilities, in collaboration with the sports associations of the sports union, the country dance of the rural home and the educational community of the J.-M school. Feriol.

The media library outside the walls : the municipal media library Anne Laure Arruebo moved last Saturday to Square Yvonne Garcia (near the open air market). On this occasion, the librarians presented numerous documents on the theme of sport (documentaries, BDs, DVDs). It was possible to borrow the materials offered, to register, to be informed about the different activities offered at the media library (manga workshop, story time, decibels, After-Eigt, philosophy workshop). There was also talk of new digital features for this school year: new website, ”Ma Bibli” smartphone application, wi-fi connection.


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