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Soumoulou: bet won again for the Collections et Passions show

The bet was won again for the Collections et Passions show: the now unmissable meeting place for collection enthusiasts attracted many visitors over the weekend of September 28 and 29.

Recognizable by their proud bright yellow hats, the volunteers, gathered around Michèle and Francis Dehaine, founders of the Collections en Béarn association, have this time once again met the challenge of organizing an event that is at once friendly, fascinating and always surprising.

For the Perez family, from Vic-en-Bigorre, the passion for Total objects is passed down from generation to generation.

Christel Duboscq

The surprise at the bend of each aisle…

Indeed, from year to year, collectors follow each other but their collections not necessarily… Most are therefore different from one time to the next, which keeps the walker in suspense.

Dive into the 1990s and 2000s with this collection of walkmans, cassettes and CDs.

Christel Duboscq

You never know what you’ll come across around the corner. We therefore wander into a sort of somewhat parallel world in which the stand of a die-hard Claude François fan rubs shoulders with a tent of surgical equipment from the First World War, or even a table filled with accordions, irons or articulated corkscrews…

Captivating encounters

Coming to the collections fair means accepting the pact of plunging into a sweet madness for the duration of a stroll, and of enjoying beautiful moments of captivating encounters with people truly inhabited by their passion.

A (very) wide variety of collections.

Christel Duboscq

This year, representatives of the Lescar Paratroopers Museum were present, as well as the Friends of the Firefighters Museum. The opportunity to delve into the history of these two emblematic bodies of our region.


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