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Assizes of Hainaut: The forensic doctor ruled out the theory of an accident

The investigating judge and the police presented the elements which led to the indictment of the Algerian, in particular that he was alone with the child in the house during this disastrous day. However, he was not known for violent acts. It even seems that he got along well with the child, whom he considered his son.
In the morning, during the hearing, the accused maintained that it was a drowning accident and that the injuries noted by the forensic doctors in the stomach were probably made during resuscitation maneuvers. which he carried out after taking the child out of the bath.
However, a forensic expert suspected the presence of a foot mark on the child’s torso. “It was fragmentary, we could not do an in-depth analysis”said the policewoman.
The testimony of the forensic doctor was expected, it took place immediately.
External examination of the body revealed bruises on the body of the 18-month-old child, on the forehead, cheeks, chin, scalp, abdomen, back, as well as a large testicular hematoma and a tense abdomen due to a significant amount of blood in the stomach. According to the doctor, all of the injuries were made before the child’s death, within 24 to 48 hours, or even concomitant with the facts for some of them.
The pancreas was cut into two parts, the result of an impact on the spine. The abdominal trauma caused death in a context of hemorrhagic shock. “It is a direct contusion phenomenon, from front to back. We can see this type of trauma when a foot is placed on the abdomen,” indicates the pathologist.
He specifies that a violent impact is necessary to explain the trauma to the pancreas, “it has to be a direct impact on the abdomen, a single blow.”
Monday morning, the accused declared that he had attempted resuscitation maneuvers, on the abdomen and not the thorax, to save the child. According to the pathologist, the section of the pancreas could not have been caused by clumsy resuscitation maneuvers. He specifies that there would have been other lesions and not such a clear section.
A huge cerebral edema was discovered during the autopsy, a consequence of the section of the pancreas.
Finally, the medical examiner is affirmative: there was no drowning. “If the child had been drowned, the lungs would have sunk during the test,” indicates the pathologist. The accused said that water came out during the cardiac massage. According to the pathologist, this does not change his conclusions. He didn’t find any water in his stomach either. The latter was empty, which indicates that the accused lied when he declared that he had given the child something to eat, a few minutes before the tragedy.
He adds that the child’s hair was dry during the examination carried out a few hours after the tragedy. “The emergency doctors, who intervened a few minutes after the call, declared that the child was dry, that his hair was dry”he adds.
For the medical examiner, the child’s death was more than suspicious.
Me Brocca, lawyer for the accused, asks if a fall on the edge of the bathtub is compatible with the injuries. “We need a projection, with a raised contact zone. A child who is dropped by accident falls head first. We would not have this kind of trauma”concludes the forensic doctor.

Aïssa Mokhtari has an antisocial personality, according to experts

The experts concluded on Tuesday, during the continuation of the trial underway, that Aïssa Mokhtari was responsible for his actions, not being affected by any mental disorder and that he presents traits of an antisocial personality. The accused is being prosecuted before the Hainaut Assize Court for the murder of little Diden, aged 18 months, committed on September 28, 2021 in Jumet. That day, he was responsible for watching his partner’s son.
Psychiatry experts concluded that the accused was responsible for his actions, as he did not suffer from any mental disorder. The accused maintained, before the experts, the accidental version, namely the drowning of the child in the bath, which was refuted by the forensic doctor who testified on Monday.
The accused had problematic behaviors during his youth, indicates the psychologist expert. The accused used cannabis at a very young age.
Antisocial personality traits were revealed during examinations carried out by the psychologist, who noted that the accused was rather defensive during the tests. A capacity for transgression that challenges experts.
While staying illegally, the accused was involved in narcotics. He used cocaine and cannabis. According to the toxicologist, he had consumed cocaine, cannabis and Lyrica before the events.


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