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Images of the very delicate rescue of a horse trapped by floods in Brazil

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ANIMALS – The endurance test is finally over for him. Thursday May 9, after at least 24 hours of waiting motionless on a roof, a horse trapped by the gigantic floods affecting Brazil was evacuated by rescuers in Canoas, in the south of the country.

During the last hours, the fate of Caramelo, aged 7 years and weighing 350 kg, kept Brazilians and all animal lovers in suspense on social networks, while the images of the animal isolated by the waters made the world Tour.

As you can see in our video at the top of the article, a delicate rescue finally took place with the help of several boats and an impressive number of firefighters and veterinarians. A tranquilizer was administered to the equine before the start of the operation, which was filmed by a helicopter and broadcast live on Brazilian television.

Caramelo, now safe and sound, was transported to a regional veterinary hospital. Janja Lula Silva, the wife of Brazilian President Lula, posted a photo of the animal back on dry land, while thanking rescuers.

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A heavy human toll

The Brazilian government promised Thursday to release some nine billion euros for the reconstruction of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, a region devastated by unprecedented deadly floods and under the threat of new rains.

At least 107 people died, 754 were injured and 134 are missing following the torrential rains that fell in this region. Around 1.7 million people were affected and more than 327,000 evacuated after the bad weather, a natural disaster that experts and the government link to climate change.

While rescue teams are still struggling to save residents and animals trapped by the waters in a desolate setting, the head of state, Lula, chaired a meeting in Brasilia to discuss responses to the tragedy. The federal government has decided to inject “resources of around 50 billion reals (around 9 billion euros) in Rio Grande do Sul”announced Finance Minister Fernando Haddad.

The measures adopted prioritize the granting of loans to help affected workers, businesses and municipalities.

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