DayFR Euro

Puy-l’Évêque. A blue day at “Lavender”

Every year at the same time, a week called “blue” is particularly dedicated to alumni. On Wednesday, October 2, the host of the house Stéphanie Vallet, the gentle gymnastics instructor (who works with residents every week) Camille Desmartins and the young “civic service” Andrea Stockli-Tavares transformed the entertainment room of the ‘Ehpad les Lavandes in the Olympic games field (all things considered).

As provided for in an agreement with the CLAP (leisure center), ten young Clapiens aged 8 to 10, accompanied by instructor Jenny, participated in the usual intergenerational meeting at the beginning of the afternoon. We know the eminently positive effect produced by these meetings both for the elders (10 today) and for the children; fruitful contacts are established between generations who are not necessarily used to seeing each other.

Obviously, a mutual understanding was established between the participants of different ages during the games. The team obstacle courses (a young person helping an older one) motivated the competitors. The ball-pass relay created a euphoric atmosphere. The use of snowshoes and the parachute game reinforced the closeness. A snack concluded this festive moment.

Stéphanie highlights the fact that these “Olympiads” made it possible to work on coordination, motor skills and develop a sense of mutual aid. She also mentions next week, which will be that of taste (with making pancakes), the inter-life council which will bring together several nursing homes with debate, round tables, questions; the theme “The end of life” (chosen by the residents themselves) encompassing broad subjects and finally the Monday choir, in common with the Barthélémy residence and the Prayssac nursing home.


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