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Ivory Coast – “Gbagbo won in 2010” affair: Blé Goudé reacts

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The former Minister of Youth under Laurent Gbagbo, Charles Blé Goudé, reacted forcefully to Robert Bourgi’s recent statements regarding the 2010 Ivorian presidential election.

Guest on several French television channels, Bourgi took advantage of the promotion of his book “ They know that I know everything – My life in Françafrique » to evoke disturbing details on relations between and certain African regimes, affirming that Laurent Gbagbo was the real winner of the 2010 presidential election against Alassane Ouattara.

These comments, which come as the 2025 presidential election in Côte d’Ivoire approaches, sparked a strong reaction from Blé Goudé, president of COJEP and former co-detainee of Laurent Gbagbo at the International Criminal Court (ICC). According to him, the timing chosen to make these revelations is suspicious. “The timing of this intervention is very suspicious”he said.

Blé Goudé accuses Bourgi, a controversial figure due to his relationships with African power circles, of trying to “wake up the old demons” at a delicate moment for the country. “I am convinced that he does not act randomly. He has a specific objective”he said.

Furthermore, Blé Goudé criticized what he saw as Bourgi’s attempt to redeem himself, denouncing his lack of support for Laurent Gbagbo during difficult times. “He claims to want to soothe his conscience. No, Mr. Bourgi, your conscience will not be assuaged. It will stay as dirty as the money you carried”he said.

He recalled that Bourgi, who now presents himself as a friend of Gbagbo, never visited him during his years of incarceration in The Hague. “During all these years of suffering, I was sitting in the same dock as President Laurent Gbagbo, in the spotlight of the whole world, accused of having killed his people. Where was friend Bourgi when Laurent needed him to say that this accused man is not a criminal, but a victim? » he was indignant.

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Furthermore, Blé Goudé warned against Bourgi’s intentions, affirming that Côte d’Ivoire must not allow itself to be divided by external interventions. “This book does nothing for us. Let’s not let anyone revive the old demons. It’s time to learn lessons from our history “, he concluded.


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