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Drug trafficking in . 14-year-old shooter, contract of 50,000 euros…What to remember from the press conference of the public prosecutor

Nicolas Bessone, public prosecutor of , spoke this Sunday, October 6 about the murder of a VTC driver by a 14-year-old boy on Friday, October 4 against a backdrop of conflict between “the DZ Mafia” and the “Black Clan”, two violent gangs linked to drug trafficking.

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Unprecedented wildness” et “ultra rejuvenation“: the Marseille prosecutor announced Sunday October 6 during a press conference that the victim of the narchomicide of Wednesday October 2 was a 15-year-old teenager”larded with 50 stab wounds” et “burned alive” and that the alleged killer of the one on Friday October 4 is indeed 14 years old.

These two cases are linked, specified Nicolas Bessone: “The facts take place in a context opposing two clans for the takeover of a deal point of the Moulin-de-Mai in the 3rd arrondissement.”Originally, “a 23-year-old inmate from the Luynes penitentiary center, claiming to be part of the DZ Mafia, had entrusted a minor with an intimidation mission at the beginning of the week“.

Equipped with a handgun, the young man had to go to the Félix-Pyat city to shoot into the door of the apartment of a fellow inmate supposed to belong to the opposing clan, and burn it. However, he is surprised by a group of people and disarmed by them. On October 2, his body was found in the completely charred city of Fonscolombes. The young man was stabbed 50 times before his body was burned. “A scene of unprecedented savagery“, according to the prosecutor.

In order to avenge the young person from his clan, the inmate therefore recruited another 14-year-old minor from for a contract of 50,000 euros in order to kill a target from the opposing group. The minor, with another young person aged 15, therefore went to the Felix Pyat city with the aim of accomplishing this mission. He orders a Bolt taxi driven by Nessim Remdame.

HAS near the city, he will ask the driver to wait for them, who will refuse their request. The 14-year-old therefore decides to “fired a fatal bullet into the back of his target’s head. He fled before being arrested.” A call from the inmate indeed told the police where to find the suspect in this homicide.

According to the Marseille public prosecutor, the 14-year-old minor admitted the homicide, but explained it as an accidental shooting. He was known to the courts and had been placed by social services since he was 9 years old.

Presented before the investigating judge this Sunday morning, he was placed in a closed educational center outside Marseille. Being under 16 years old, he cannot be incarcerated. The sponsor was taken from Luynes prison and presented before a magistrate. He is currently in pre-trial detention.

The public prosecutor announced the opening of several investigations for these two cases, in particular for “organized gang assassination” about the 15-year-old boy found burned, criminal association with a view to committing an offense” as well as “intentional homicide with premeditation and in an organized gang” by Nessim Ramdane.

With these last two cases, the number of narchomicides to qualify the settling of scores against a backdrop of drug trafficking has now increased to 17 since the start of the year.


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