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visually impaired, Emmanuelle ran the legendary Run in

Accompanied by a guide, Emmanuelle ran the 10 kilometers of the Run in this Sunday, October 6. A challenge that brings “self-confidence”. In total, some 30,000 people took part in the race this year, whether in the marathon, half-marathon or 10 kilometers.


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Come on, come on, here we come to a bend…” For 10 kilometers, Emmanuelle Gautrot, visually impaired, follows the voice of her guide, Sinead Owens. This Sunday, October 6, this art history student took on the challenge of running the legendary Run in Lyon. Surrounded by 30,000 other runners who took the start of a 10 kilometer, a half-marathon, or a marathon, she took to the streets of Lyon.

This race is to prove to myself that I can do it. It’s not for competition, but really for fun. It brings self-confidence, and proves that you can do things despite your disability.” testifies Emmanuelle.

Usually an individual challenge, the race here becomes a collective adventure. Emmanuelle and Sinead practiced running in sync, to become one. They are connected by a “lien“, a small 10-centimeter cord that they each hold by one end to run alongside each other.”JRunning at Emmanuelle’s speed, the string is between us, and I follow her. If there are turns, I warn him, but other than that, we go straight. We have the privilege today of having the streets to ourselves!” explains Sinead, who recently discovered the role of running guide thanks to an association.

Being able to experience this together is very touching, because normally it’s a kind of solitary challenge.

Sinead, Emmanuelle’s guide

If Emmanuelle cannot see the landscapes of the course, her sensations make her feel them just as intensely. “I really feel the climbs, the descents, the flats, the people around during the race, the encouragement from the crowd. At the end, we were even encouraged by the sun which had finally come out a little. We don’t even think about the handicap, we experience the race like everyone else. It’s nice to no longer have the cane in your hand too.” she says.

The medal ceremony after the race.


After the many kilometers covered under the encouragement of the public, it’s time for the reward: the organizers place two medals around the duo’s neck. “Cis a feeling of well-being. We no longer think about anything, just that the challenge is over and that feels good!” says Emmanuelle. See you next year?


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