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“it’s less serious than eating beef”


Laura Bayoumy

Published on

Oct 6, 2024 at 12:30 p.m.

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Bertrand Le Gué, you are head country guard in Tourgéville and Bénerville-sur-Mer (). What is your role?

Bertrand Le Gué: The rural guard is one of the oldest figures of the civil police in . Its main mission is the preservation of the environment and the protection of rural properties.

In terms of environmental policing, it has extensive judicial prerogatives, including the control of fishing equipment. Even a simple bucket can be checked to make sure it complies with the rules.

When is bass fishing prohibited or regulated?

Bass fishing is very supervised. From February 1 to March 31, 2024, it is prohibited to keep a caught bass. If you catch one, it must be released immediately.

The rest of the year, you can keep two bass per day, as long as they are at least 42 cm long. This regulation applies on the coasts of the Atlantic, the Channel and the North Sea.

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What are the sanctions incurred in the event of non-compliance with the rules?

Recreational fishing violations can result in fines of up to 22,500 euros. In professional fishing, the penalties are more severe, potentially including prison sentences. In both cases, seizure of the material is possible.

How important is it to protect the bar?

The bass is a super predator and an excellent indicator of the state of the ecosystem. It regulates populations of fish, crustaceans and cephalopods.

It is also a species very sensitive to pollution and fishing pressure. Its slow growth makes it a vulnerable species, hence the importance of regulating it.

How are regulations evolving in the face of ecological issues?

The dates and number of authorized takes are constantly adjusted. Regarding pollution, there is a solid legal framework, but mentalities and practices must still evolve to better protect natural environments.

Do you collaborate with associations or scientists for the management of bass populations?

I share my observations on dedicated sites and alert the authorities in the event of pollution or abnormal fish mortality.

I would like to collaborate more with scientists and associations, but this remains to be developed. Likewise, I would very much like to participate in awareness programs on sustainable fishing.

Have you observed any changes in the behavior of fishermen?

I was in Alsace before. In three and a half years, I haven’t seen any change here. Still, “no-kill” also has an impact. The fish, injured, often seriously after its “fight” with the fisherman, is thrown back into the water. In rivers, illegal practices such as the use of bleach to suffocate fish remain common.

What are the most common excuses used by controlled fishermen?

The classic excuse is “it’s not the same for me”. Some people justify an illegal catch by saying, for example, that it is less harmful to the climate than eating a barbecued prime rib.

I compare this to the blackberry pickers at Mont Canisy who defend themselves by saying that it is to make an “organic” pie even though the area is protected!

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