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Active parishioner dies during final pilgrimage to Kenya’s national Marian shrine

“However, we did not think that her refusal to walk was worrying, because she was not used to walking for long periods,” Mercy told ACI Africa.

In his homily, Archbishop Muhatia expressed his solidarity with the Archdiocese of Mombasa for the loss of one of its faithful.

He said: “We pray for her soul and we join with the Archdiocese of Mombasa and the entire Metropolitan Province in mourning this pilgrim who reached the destination of all pilgrimages of the Christian faith, the house of the Eternal Father. »

The Mombasa Metropolitan Province, which includes the dioceses of Malindi and Garissa, as well as the Archdiocese of Mombasa, led this year’s National Day of Prayer at the shrine under the auspices of the KCCB.

More than 9,000 pilgrims arrived in Subukia from Mombasa Metropolitan Province alone. Pilgrimage organizers said that of these pilgrims, more than 3,500 were choristers at the event, which also celebrated 50 years of the Small Christian Communities (SCC) within the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Africa of the East (AMECEA).

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To describe the influx of pilgrims, AMECEA Pastoral Coordinator, Father Emmanuel Chimombo, told ACI Africa: “There are so many people. I think there are over 50,000 people gathered here in Subukia today. »

“I arrived here yesterday (Friday October 4) and saw that the place was already full of pilgrims, who had started their journey two or three days ago, some traveling on foot. They showed immense commitment in their prayers, starting with a vigil last night and then with their personal and group prayers, including the Stations of the Cross,” the Nairobi-based Malawian Catholic priest said on the sidelines of the celebrations. October 4.

Father Chimombo indicated that the representatives of the different AMECEA member countries, “who camped” in Subukia, made this pilgrimage even more memorable.


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