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Flood. The first expected overflows of the Loire in the Saumurois and a tragedy narrowly avoided on the Oudon. – Angers Info

Illustrative image.

Following the rainy episodes of recent days, the contributions from the upstream Loire and Vienne basins are leading to an increase in the levels of the Saumur Loire.

This increase, which will continue over the next 24 hours, is likely to cause initial overflows and localized damage, particularly in the Saumur sector.

According to forecasts available on Vigicrues, the level of the Loire in the Saumur sector could reach 3.55m this Wednesday, May 8. The first overflows and localized damage could be observed this Tuesday, May 7 in the evening, with a rise in water estimated at 3.40m.

Philippe CHOPIN, Prefect of Maine-et-Loire, has decided to put on alert the municipalities located in the geographical area concerned in order to encourage them to take all useful measures to ensure monitoring of rising water levels in sensitive areas of their common and provide information and support to the public if necessary.

“More generally, the levels of watercourses in the department are high and can make navigation or water activities dangerous. Ahead of several public holidays and with the return of good weather, the Maine-et-Loire prefecture calls on users – walkers on the banks of rivers and participants in water activities – to exercise caution. A tragedy was narrowly avoided today on the Oudon. »indicates Nathalie GIMONET, Chief of Staff of the Prefect of Maine-et-Loire


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