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Denis Brogniart in mourning after the death of journalist Jérôme le Fauconnier

The star of “Koh-Lanta” paid a vibrant tribute to his “accomplice of thirty years” on social networks.

Published on 05/10/2024 at 1:13 p.m.
By F.Gh. (DR)


This is very sad news shared Denis Brogniart with her Instagram subscribers this Saturday morning. ” My friend Jérôme Le Fauconnier left yesterday, defeated by this damn Charcot’s disease after having fought with incredible courage. » he wrote in the caption of a montage of photos of the two of them. It was the teams of the newspaper l’Équipe who announced the death of the sports journalist on Friday October 4, specifying that their “colleague and friend” had left during the night from Thursday to Friday, at the age of 57. He had been battling Charcot disease, also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS, for three years.

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“He was a sensitive, funny man, a remarkable journalist (…) an accomplice for thirty years on many events that we covered together. He wrote with passion until the end. I loved his wit, his humor, his self-deprecation, his courage and his altruism which guided him until the end, never complaining. » also declared Denis Brogniart, paying a final tribute to Jérôme Le Fauconnier. “I remember laughing out loud a few months ago when I poured a bucket of ice water on you as part of the Ice bucket challenge. » he added.

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Indeed, at the beginning of the summer the two colleagues had participated together in the “frosted challenge”, a resurrection of the American Ice Bucket Challenge, launched ten years earlier in order to collect funds for research, raise public awareness and give visibility to this neurodegenerative disease. It was ARSLA, the Association for Research on ALS, which relaunched this initiative and proposed to several personalities to participate. We notably saw Mario Barravecchia, Thomas Sotto, Estelle Denis, Michel Cymes, and even the team from “Quelle epoch!” » participate.


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