DayFR Euro

A young woman of 20, from Dizy-le-Gros, killed in an accident in Aisne

During the night from Friday to Saturday, a young woman of 20, from Dizy-le-Gros, lost her life during a traffic accident in Chaourse, at the intersection with the small road leading to the village from Renneval. The vehicle was traveling in the direction of Montcornet and coming from Vervins. According to initial findings, excessive speed could be the cause of the tragedy.

The injured driver, aged around twenty, swerved before losing control of his vehicle. Toxicological analyses, including blood alcohol levels, are in progress. The police were on site as were the firefighters. The place has already caused victims since a cross is still installed on site. This axis is nevertheless monitored by the police since a little further away, at a place called La Biche rousse, a mobile radar is often installed and the gendarmes carry out regular checks. In the same sector of Thiérache, in Rozoy-sur-Serre at the beginning of August, a 29-year-old woman was also killed in a collision with a truck.


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