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“Images that I should not have seen”: Jenifer witnessed a dark night which took away two people…

It is March 2017. While returning from a concert in Brussels, the vehicle carrying Jenifer and her touring team hits a car on the highway. In the minibus, no serious injuries, but in the hit car, two passengers died. The driver, seriously injured, escaped. At the time of the accident, the singer was sleeping. “I woke up with a very sudden shock”she explained in an interview for Seven to Eight toured a few months after the tragedy. And to add, with tears in his eyes: “I saw images that I shouldn’t have seen. Certainly. Of the car in front, of the people who were inside”. Faced with this terrible shock and out of respect for the victims and their familieswith whom she claims to have never had contact, Jenifer then preferred to put an end to her tour.

In front of the cameras of TF1, the channel which saw him born as a music star, the interpreter of In the sun seems very affected. We waited a long time for help. It was one of the longest nights of my life. I was completely broken. I no longer had the courage to go back on stage with this tragic episode. I almost felt guilty about… If I hadn’t been a singer and if I hadn’t been on stage and if we hadn’t taken that van…”she recounted with emotion.

Jenifer attacked on social networks after the accident

In the months following this tragedy, Jenifer claimed that she “was entitled to a lot, a lot of hate”. According to her, she was accused “to exist”. A witch hunt which will greatly sadden the singer. She will eventually withdraw from social networks. Very popular since its debut, the latter has also been the target of the paparazzi. A difficult time to live through for the one who claims that she was made to appear as a victim when she was not really one in the story, given the heavy human toll of the accident. This exclusive interview for the first channel is among the rare times where Jenifer has agreed to address this sensitive subject.


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