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“After menopause my libido completely exploded, is this normal?” : Our expert answers!

MENOPAUSE STORIES – Throughout the month of October, Aufeminin highlights testimonies from menopausal women facing little-known or unexpected symptoms (other than the famous hot flashes). Our expert Sophie Kune, specialist in menopause coaching and creator of the Instagram account @menopause.stories, answers them!

The menopause remains one taboo subject in our society, so many women are hesitant to talk about it openly. This persistent silence around this natural stage in women’s lives contributes to the isolation of those who experience it. Many are the symptoms (other than the eternal hot flashes) which remain unknown to the general publicalthough they are common and completely normal! Enough to amplify the uncertainties and preconceived ideas surrounding menopause. These manifestations, often experienced in the shadows, must be addressed more to allow women to get through this period with more serenity and support.

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On the occasion of the world menopause daythe October 18, Each week of the month, Aufeminin devotes a testimony to this subject of public health which is still little known and little loved. Several of our readers, all menopausal women, revealed to us their hidden symptomsbut also their doubtstheir interrogations and their concerns. To answer them, we contacted the expert Sophie Kunefounder of the Instagram account @menopause.stories, author of the book Game Is Not Ovaire (Ed. Marabout) and specialist in menopause coaching.

“My sexual desires increased with menopause”

Today, it’s Sandrine* who shares with us her experience with menopause. “After menopause for 3 years, my sexual desires have increased. I also want to discover new things with my partner. Is it normal to have a +++ libido during menopause?”. Although many women associate this phase with a reduction in sexual desires, it is also “completely normal to have a booming libido”reassures our expert.

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“In reality, each woman experiences menopause in her own way: for some, it is a real sexual rebirth”. Indeed, the end of menstrual cycles can be accompanied by a form of liberation. The absence of monthly hormonal fluctuations or the need to manage contraception can allow some women to reconnect with their body in a more peaceful and uninhibited way. “It’s also a time when, for many, children leave home, offering a new space to refocus on yourself and your partner”adds the author.

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“Dare to explore new things with (or without) your partner”

After decades of juggling menstrual cycles, motherhood, mental workload and other daily concerns, menopause becomes for some an opportunity to redefine their sexuality. They feel freer and in tune with their desiresdiscovering a sexual revival often surprising”, continues Sophie Kune. Menopause marks a stage where the body changes, but this change does not necessarily mean decline. On the contrary, women who experience an amplified libido often report greater self-confidence, and better knowledge of their body and their desires.

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This renewed desire is often accompanied by a desire to explore new sexual practices. “Dare to explore new things with (or without) your partner then seems a natural path”, indicates the specialist. Couples who have been together for a long time sometimes find new momentum by communicating about their desires, fantasies and needs. After years of focusing on other priorities, this period of life can be seen as a opportunity to reconnect emotionally and sexually with yourself and your partner. The important thing is to approach this new phase with kindness, patience and openness.

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“Sexuality has no age!”

One of the keys to fully experiencing this new phase of life is communication. According to Sophie Kune, it is essential to share your desires and fantasies with your partner. “The key? Communicate openly about your desires, share your fantasies, and embark on this new adventure together.” Sexuality evolves over time, and these exchanges allow not only to strengthen intimacy, but also to discover together still unexplored facets of their relationship. For some women, it is an opportunity to take the initiative, to offer new experiences or to revisit neglected practices.

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Finally, in the eyes of the creator of the Instagram account @menopause.stories, it is important to remember that sexuality does not end with menopause. As she points out, “Sexuality has no age, so take full advantage of this beautiful period of life to reinvent yourself.” At a time when stereotypes about age and sexuality remain anchored in mentalities, we readily accept this message of liberation, and you? Remember, menopause is not “an expiration date.” It can be experienced as a rebirth, a stage thanks to which women feel freer to express themselves and live their sexuality without constraints. Above all, it is a period conducive to self-reinvention, where pleasure can still be intensely present, whatever the age!

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* The first name has been changed.

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Rights of women and children, violence, feminism, gender, discrimination, parenthood, education, psychology, health, couple, sexuality, social networks…. Joséphine loves deciphering all the social issues that drive our world…


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