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what did the unforgettable Jean-Claude Dusse die of?

The actor Michel Blanc, inseparable from the character of Jean-Claude Dusse in The Bronzedpassed away on the night of Thursday October 3 to Friday October 4, 2024, at the age of 72. Known for his emblematic role in the Splendid troupe and for his talents as an actor and director, he leaves behind an immense cinematographic legacy. However, the circumstances of his death reveal an unexpected tragedy: the actor died of anaphylactic shock, caused by an allergic reaction to a medical product.

Michel Blanc was admitted to hospital to undergo a medical examination requiring the use of a contrast agent. This type of product, frequently used to improve the visibility of organs during medical imaging, unfortunately triggered a severe allergic reaction in the actor. It was angioedema, a reaction involving sudden and sometimes dangerous swelling of the mucous membranes of the head and neck. This edema quickly caused a heart attack.

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The emergency workers, called urgently, tried to resuscitate the actor. However, when they arrived, Michel Blanc was already in cardiac arrest. He died shortly afterwards, at 11 p.m., despite attempts at resuscitation.

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A constant fear of illness

This tragic death takes on particular resonance when we remember that Michel Blanc defined himself as a hypochondriac. In 2010, in an interview for Le Figarothe actor spoke of his fear of illness. At the time, he had just signed the script and starred in A small area of ​​turbulencewhere he played a character obsessed with his health. “For a little pain, or a new redness, I consult! I always imagine the worst. There is the fear of death behind”he confided.

Born with a heart murmur, Michel Blanc grew up with special attention from his parents, who were concerned about his health. This fear of illness never left him, which makes the circumstances of his disappearance all the more poignant.

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When his death was announced, tributes quickly poured in. Of his former companions Splendid to other big names in cinema, all paid tribute to the memory of a brilliant actor and a man of great humanity. Patrice Leconte, who shared numerous collaborations with Michel Blanc, expressed his deep sadness, recalling the comic genius and humility of his friend. Christian Clavier also expressed his grief, calling Blanc a “brother” in their shared artistic journey.

Michel Blanc will be remembered as one of the great actors of his generation. If many remember him as the unforgettable Jean-Claude Dusse, he had also proven his talents as a screenwriter and director on numerous occasions, notably with Very tiredwhich earned him the Screenplay Prize at in 1994. His subtle humor, based on unease and embarrassment, reached a wide audience and left a lasting mark on French cinema. His sudden death leaves a huge void, but his work, both in front of and behind the camera, will continue to inspire and make entire generations laugh.


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