DayFR Euro

For urgent change in our child protection system!

Abusive placement of children in Belgium: alone we go quickly, together we go further.

The current system child welfare and child protection does not work as it should. He was harmful and corrupt, causing irreparable damage to children placed abusively and parents dispossessed of their rights.

The consequences of these abusive placements only worsen the situation, with an increase in the number of cases of abuse, suicides and homelessness among these foster children.

According to official sources, in 2017, around 60% of children looked after by child welfare had a “worrying” or “very worrying” level of mental health. This clearly demonstrates of the failure of the current child protection system and calls for an immediate review.

It is imperative that this corrupt dysfunction be resolved, for the sake of all stakeholders: the child, their parents, and society as a whole.

We demand reform of the child protection system, with clear measures to prevent abuse and corruption. Children and their parents deserve better. It is time to end the suffering and injustice suffered by too many children who depend on our protection.

Sign this petition to demand urgent change in our child welfare system.

Thanking you all


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