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The Transitions Institute is organizing ecological and inclusive professional transition day in Lyon on May 13

On May 13, the Transitions Institute is organizing the Ecological and Inclusive Professional Transition Day in the Lyon Metropolis. Enough to find a job and training. Meeting with Martin Durigneux, co-founder of the institute.

Job-Environment : Who is Ecological and Inclusive Professional Transition Day for and what will visitors find there?

Martin Durigneux : This show is aimed at all people in professional transition who are looking for missions and jobs committed to ecological transition and solidarity. There they will meet players in the field who recruit regularly, but also support and training organizations. Introspective workshops with structures for skills assessment and professional development (Apec, CIBC Rhne) will be offered. Inspiring professional testimonials in sustainable agriculture, eco-design and the circular economy will also be accessible. Finally, various interactive conferences will take place throughout the day such as: Is undertaking the transition for me? Act within your structure or leave, how to choose?

EE : At the same time, your institute provides New Ways training, relating to professional transition in ecology and solidarity, to which audiences are they aimed? What do they learn there?

MD : They are aimed at people who already have a job in hand (salespeople, engineers, social workers), but who wish to put their energy at the service of the ecological transition and solidarity. Most already have experience in project management and want to enrich their initial skills with transversal skills. The training lasts one year (220 hours) during which they will address all the issues of the ecological transition and all the already existing alternatives. The goal is not to make them experts but rather Swiss army knives capable of supporting an ecological transition project. This is why they also address the functioning of a structure supporting the transition, from an economic, HR, commercial point of view, but also in terms of communication. They also have immersion missions in one of our partner entities (companies, public institutions, associations) where, like a consultant, they will set up a project linked to the ecological transition. Finally, they produce a dissertation accompanied by two experts on the subject they choose and which corresponds to their desire for development.

EE : What careers are they heading towards, once this training is completed?

MD : 94% find a job or start a job within 12 months following training. Most include highly committed start-ups and medium-sized companies. Some in the profession they initially carried out, others in positions of coordinator, mediator, project manager, partnership manager, linked to the ecological transition. Others go to public institutions to participate in transition policies. But almost none return to work in a large company.

Article published on May 6, 2024

Grald Dudouet
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