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Exit gas, make way for wood for five public buildings including the Spott and the town hall in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve

“The City invests in its buildings to help the planet breathewelcomes Alderman for Energy and Buildings Abdel Ben El Mostapha (PS). Thanks to this wood-fired boiler room, we reduce greenhouse gas emissions to heat these buildings by 80%, or 160 tonnes less CO2 each year. Each municipality must make its contribution to the building.”

The energy bill will also be lower for the City.

Cost for the installation and operation of the boiler room for 8 years by the Coopeos cooperative (maintenance, upkeep and supply of wood): a little less than €1 million, partly subsidized by the Region.

“We recycle local waste”

The boiler room was installed, with the collaboration of AID Val de Senne, a socio-professional integration center in Tubize, in a small building previously used as a garage and adjoining the Spott. It has two wood-fired boilers as well as a silo for wood chips.

“These are produced from wood waste from the maintenance of green spaces. To do this, we have a partnership with inBW and social enterprises active in gardening work. And we transform this waste on one of the intermunicipal sites to make quality fuel from it. We therefore recycle local waste.specifies Caroline Lambin, co-founder of Coopeos.

If the heating network is common to the buildings, each maintains its autonomy regarding the desired temperature in its premises.

Finally, the ashes generated by the combustion of the wood chips are collected and used by a partner of the cooperative to enrich the soil. So nothing is lost.

The installation is expected to consume 250 tonnes of wood per year. So no worries about supplies, with 240,000 tonnes of green waste being collected per year in Walloon recycling parks.

“Even if not everyone will heat themselves like this, the potential for biomass boilers is still gigantic in our regionassures Caroline Lambin, whose cooperative will celebrate its 10th anniversary next year. Ottignies was one of the first municipalities to trust us. With this installation, it is the 45th wood boiler room that we take care of in Wallonia and Brussels, the 17th in Walloon Brabant and the 5th in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve where two new installations will be inaugurated next year. “

In addition to the new boiler room, the cooperative manages those of the Notre-Dame de Céroux-Mousty school, a private one, the William Lennox Center and that of the Céroux communal square where a heating network connects the Jules Ginion communal hall, the school, the restaurant and the spa since September 2019.

The next two will be installed at the Résidence du Moulin (CPAS) – the work is in progress – and at the Blocry school.


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