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Why is it absolutely necessary to respect traffic lights?

With the aim of raising common awareness, the Quebec Automobile Insurance Company
et RPM+ are launching “Behave Well”, a series of capsules that highlight the importance of respecting the Road safety code. Pierre Michaud analyzes and comments on the inappropriate behavior of drivers in the field. It also highlights certain risks to demonstrate the need for careful driving. Today we observe the behavior of motorists at a traffic light to see if people run the red light.

Force passage

In order to indicate to motorists which signs to follow, traffic lights display three distinct colors: green, yellow and red. Green tells us that we have permission to travel and use the intersection. Yellow announces an imminent transition to red. When the light turns yellow, you must slow down and stop before the intersection if it is possible to do so safely. In addition, it is strictly prohibited to cross an intersection when a traffic light is red.

However, during the filming of the video clip on the subject, Pierre Michaud observed a large number of motorists who tended to accelerate when the light turned yellow. This is reckless and dangerous behavior. Remember: if you respect the speed limits, it will be easier to make a safe stopping maneuver.

Watch out for pedestrians and cyclists

Running a red light while driving a vehicle is also dangerous for other road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists, because they could have the right of way to cross the intersection when the light turns red. It must be remembered that pedestrians and cyclists are more vulnerable during a collision with a vehicle, since they are not protected. In addition, when stopping at a red light, it is important to always stop behind the stop line and leave the pedestrian crossing clear.

In summary, for everyone’s safety, behaving well also means respecting the signs and not forcing your way by running the red light.

For more information: Reckless and inappropriate behavior – SAAQ (


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