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the minister causes an accident in the middle of Paris, the victim injured

The evening of May 3, 2024 could have turned into a tragedy for Bruno Le Maire. Indeed, the Minister of the Economy was involved in a traffic accident in Parisaccording to information relayed by The Parisian. The events occurred when he had just left his ministry in his personal vehicle in the 6th arrondissement of the capital. Bruno Le Maire knocked down a cyclist who had just run a red light. For his part, the minister had just crossed the intersection when his light had just turned green. It was around 7:30 p.m. when the accident occurred. Police sources explained that the cyclist was slightly injured. He had been taken to hospital. According to the minister’s office, he was able to leave the hospital in the evening.

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Bruno Le Maire was driving his personal vehicle after leaving the ministry when “he was hit at an intersection in the 6th arrondissement, shortly after 7:30 p.m., by a cyclist who had crossed the red light“, explained the minister’s entourage to Le Parisien. The cyclist apparently hit the minister’s car at the level of his gas tank. Bruno Le Maire was not injured by this collision and fully collaborated with the police who were called to the scene.Like any citizen in such a case, ianswered the police officers’ questions and visited the site (…)

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