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Seniors’ Day brings together 200 Francos, Anglos and Innus in Maliotenam

The advisor responsible for seniors’ issues at the City of Sept-Îles Daniel Guéreault, the president of the Table Karoline Gilbert, the municipal councilor Charlotte Audet, the vice-chief of the Innus council of Uashat mak Mani-utenam Rose-Anne Grégoire and the assistant to the MP for Manicouagan Nicolas Dupont were among the dignitaries at the Seniors’ Day dinner. (Photo Jean St-Pierre,

Nearly 200 Franco, Anglo and Innu people shared this bannock and stew lunch in Maliotenam for International Seniors Day. The president of the MRC Sept-Rivières Seniors Concertation Table Karoline Gilbert notes that the event is awaited every year and appreciated by the participants.

The community dinner, which was in its ninth edition, helps break the isolation and sometimes leads to wonderful reunions, says Karoline Gilbert. Several volunteers from CAB le Virage de Sept-Îles contributed to the success of this seniors’ celebration in Maliotenam. The seniors participated in several games, bingo at the Teueikan hall was particularly popular.

Interview with Karoline Gilbert, president of the Seniors Consultation Table of the MRC Sept-Rivières and director of the Virage Volunteer Action Center in Sept-Îles

Despite numerous initiatives from the community sector, too many seniors are often isolated and alone at home. Seniors make up the vast majority of volunteer action centers on the North Shore. “In Sept-Rivières, there are many support services and the CABs of Sept-Îles and Port-Cartier welcome and refer all seniors who express a need to the right organizations,” says Karoline Gilbert, president of the Table de concertation of seniors of the MRC Sept-Rivières and director of the Le Virage Volunteer Action Center in Sept-Îles.

Approximately 200 people fraternized at the International Seniors Day community dinner at the Teueikan Hall on Tuesday 1is october. (Photo Jean St-Pierre,

The Port-Cartier Volunteer Action Center also offered a gathering this afternoon for the 9e Sept-Rivières Seniors Day.


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