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Before an Assembly ‘divided like never before’, Michel Barnier advocates a ‘new method’ | LCP

Michel Barnier refuse everythingimmobility“. The Prime Minister pronounced this Tuesday 1is October, sa general policy declaration from the podium of the National Assembly. In his speech, which lasted a little less than an hour and a half, he set the course for his government’s action, emphasizing the debt reduction and on the respect for parliamentary work.

Faced with a hemicycle in which oppositions have sometimes heckled him, Michel Barnier noted that the National Assembly is divided as it has never been since 1958 and advocated a “new method” : “We need listening, respect and dialogue between the government and Parliament“. The Prime Minister, who said he wanted “less text“, in order to have “more time to debate“, notably said he was open to examining more legislative proposals initiated by deputies.

And to hope that the government “relies more on parliamentary work“, incorporating amendments presented by elected officials, as well as “recommendations of commissions of inquiry or information“. Michel Barnier also affirmed that he was in favor of a new sharing of the agenda of the National Assembly in order to leave more room for “transpartisan bills and ambitious for the country“. The Prime Minister also advocated “listening and respect with regard to all political sensitivities in the National Assembly and the Senate“.

“Reduce expenses”

The new government will have two priority fights:The reduction of our double budgetary and ecological debt.“Michel Barnier firstly intends to reduce”notre colossal financial debt“, which he described as genuine”sword of Damocles“. “If we are not careful, it will place our country on the edge of the precipice“, alerted the tenant of Matignon, recalling that ’s debt amounts to “3,228 billion euros. Objectives displayed: reduce the public deficit to 5% of GDP in 2025 and return below 3% in 2029.

The new government will therefore have to reduce expensesbut also spend in a waymore efficient. Michel Barnier also announced a targeted effort, limited in time” in matters of taxation. Thus, the “large and very large companies Who make significant profits“shall”participate in collective recovery“. The government will also propose to set up a “exceptional contribution” pour the wealthiest French people. Furthermore, the Prime Minister intends to fight against “tax fraud“and the”social fraud“, “including securing vital cards“.

Michel Barnier also spoke of “sword of Damocles” about the ecological debt. Wishing to make ecological transitionone of the driving forces of our industrial policy“, he also said he was banking on an effort of “sobriety“The government will continue.”resolutely” the development of the nuclear sector and renewable energiesexplained the head of government, however deeming it necessary to “measure better“the impact of certain devices such as wind turbines. “The energy performance diagnosis will be simplified and its schedule will be adapted“, he also announced.

A “reflection” on proportional

Before the deputies, the Prime Minister defined “five priority projects“: the “standard of living”, “public services”, “security”, “immigration” and “fraternity”. As part of these projects, he multiplied the announcements: the organization of a “major national conference on water“, the creation ofa “national citizen consultation daythe merger of France Stratégie and the High Commission for Planning, the anticipated revaluation of the minimum wage of 2%from 1is November“or another”evolution“of the”zero net artificialization regulation“. In addition to these projects, Michel Barnier has made the commitment that the school “will remain the priority” from the government. And he said again that mental health will be the great national cause of the year 2025.

From an institutional point of view, the tenant of Matignon said he was open to “a reflection and action without ideology on proportional voting“. The Prime Minister also announced his desire to postpone provincial elections in New Caledoniauntil the end of 2025“. The draft constitutional law on the unfreezing of the electorate (…) will not be submitted to Congresshe added.

In terms of pensionsMichel Barnier asked the social partners to propose “reasonable and fair accommodations“of the reform adopted in 2023, evoking in particular the question of”progressive retirements“, of “equality between men and women“and of”professional wear“.

On the securitythe Prime Minister notably advocated the implementation “of short and immediately executed prison sentences for certain offenses” and the construction of new penitentiary establishments for short sentences. Affirming, moreover, wanting control immigrationthe head of government proposed to “facilitate the exceptional extension of the detention of foreigners in an irregular situation to better execute the OQTF“.

Referring to the future of the text whose legislative journey was interrupted by the dissolution of the National Assembly, he undertook to relaunch “without delay” the draft orientation law for agricultural sovereignty and to “resume the dialogue“on the bill relating to the end of lifeearly next year“.

No questioning of the Veil law

Michel Barnier finally presented the red lines“of his government : “There will be no tolerance for racism and anti-Semitism“, “violence against women“, “of communitarianism” or even attacks on secularism. The Prime Minister also promised that neither the Veil law on abortionnor the law on marriage for allis the law opening the PMA to couples of women and to single women, would not be called into question.

And responding without naming him, to the remarks of the Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleauwhich have caused controversy in recent days, Michel Barnier claimed that the firmness of the criminal policy that the French demand is inseparable from respect for the rule of law“.


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