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Education: “the recruitment of AESH does not meet the needs of students with disabilities”, denounce the teachers of the Lautrec high school

the essential
On the sidelines of the October 1 strike, teachers and parent associations at the Lautrec high school in Toulouse mobilized this Tuesday morning to demand the recruitment of support workers for students with disabilities (AESH) who meets the needs.

At the Toulouse Lautrec high school in Toulouse (Barrière de ), which accommodates nearly 1,600 students, twelve of them are the subject of a notification from the Departmental House for Disabled Persons (MDPH) recognizing their disability. Nine of these notifications concern shared support, three are individual, but the number of support workers for students with disabilities (AESH) is not sufficient. Only three high school students, whose care is individual (over the entire school time), are currently being monitored.

“This management is unacceptable”

Tuesday October 1, to denounce the insufficient recruitment of AESH in this Toulouse high school, teachers and parent federations (FCPE and PEEP) demonstrated in front of the establishment. “AESH recruitment is not up to the number of students to be taken care of,” explain the staff of the Toulouse Lautrec high school. This situation is aggravated by the policy of non-replacement of teachers on sick leave. As a result, this There are several students who are thus deprived of the support they are due. This accounting management of AESH by the rectorate and the Pial (Inclusive localized support center) is unacceptable.

“We don’t have time left for the other students.”

For the AESH currently in office, nothing is simple on a daily basis. This is the case of Karine, AESH for seven years, who describes difficult working conditions and a lack of recognition. “There is a severe shortage of AESH in this high school,” she says. “There are four of us, but one has been on sick leave for a year and has not been replaced, even though her hours are counted as available, which prevents us from having one more colleague, there are three of us taking care of three students individually, we hardly have any time left for the students who have a shared notification.”

“We have been asking for AESH positions for several years, but this year the situation is really critical,” confides teacher Agnès Akielewiez (Snes-FSU 31). When a person is on sick leave, they are never replaced. We are told that there are positions offered but that there are not enough candidates. We are not very surprised, given the working conditions of AESH and their remuneration. Karine, who hires 32 hours per week, earns close to the minimum wage, but the other AESH earn less than 1,000 euros per month by working 24 hours per week.


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