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Forli-Cesena: they received citizenship income but won almost a million gambling, reports

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As part of the specific activities of the service to combat crimes linked to public expenditure, the Financial Police of Forlì-Cesena identified two people – one residing in Cesena, the other in Bagno di Romagna (FC) – who received the citizen’s income for a total amount of more than 41,475 euros although both obtained winnings in online games for a total of around one million euros. The investigations into the two subjects were carried out by the military of the Cesena Group following receipt of a report of suspicious transactions linked to credit, on the current accounts in their name, of significant sums coming from online gaming accounts. raising, in one case to more than 500 thousand euros and, in the other, to more than 500 thousand euros. It is precisely the analysis of said gaming accounts – opened following the stipulation of a specific contract between the two players and the respective dealer – and the examination of the bets and corresponding movements made over time, which allowed the Financiers to detect that they, in reality, had not indicated in the Single Substitute Declaration (DSsu) the income from these winnings, thus providing misleading information about their income situation. The bonuses, in fact, were obtained during the same period in which both equally received the citizen’s income, but they were, however, not communicated to the INPS precisely to avoid losing the right to the corresponding support measure.

During the first nine months of the year, Fiamme Gialle identified 25 people suspected of having illegally received citizenship income for a total amount of more than 260 thousand euros. The hypotheses of undue recovery noted by the Financial Police and currently examined by the competent bodies concerned people residing either in the cities of Forlì and Cesena, or in other municipalities in the province. Among the cases noted by the Financiers, in addition to those mentioned above, there are those of certain people who, although benefiting from the subsidy, did not have the necessary condition of residence in the territory of the State or did not had not communicated to the State. INPS the ownership of other sources of income or the possession of real estate. During the investigations, Fiamme Gialle also noted other situations of irregularity concerning subjects who, during part of the period of enjoyment of the allowance, had failed to communicate that they had been the subject of a member of the family unit subject to a personal precautionary measure. The grant recipients were all reported to the local public prosecutor for the intended criminal offenses regarding the improper use of citizenship income; Due to the principle of the presumption of innocence, however, they can only be found guilty when their responsibility has been definitively established by an irrevocable conviction. The same people were also reported to the competent INPS offices for the recovery of sums unduly collected.

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