DayFR Euro

On average 120 poisonings and three deaths per year in Brussels: here’s how to prevent the release of carbon monoxide in your home

CO poisoning can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness which can lead to death. In the event of suspicious symptoms, it is imperative to call 112 immediately.

Facilities at risk on the rise

Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced by incomplete combustion of fuels such as gas, oil or coal. Poisoning is mainly caused by poorly maintained heating appliances, stoves, fireplaces or water heaters, poor chimney draft or lack of ventilation in rooms, particularly when windows are closed to keep the heat. Around 50% of cases occur in the bathroom, often due to poor ventilation.

“In recent years, we have noticed an increase in non-compliant installations, carried out by non-professionals or poorly maintained, which increases the risk of accidents. Despite our efforts to make property owners and occupants aware of the dangers, the necessary measures are not being taken. always taken”alerts Delphine Raymond, head of Sibelga’s gas operations department.

“To guarantee safety, it is crucial to regularly ventilate rooms, not to obstruct ventilation grilles, and to respect the legal obligation to maintain heating and hot water production appliances by an approved technician, whether every year for oil boilers or every two years for gas boilers.declares Major Marc Baudhuin, from the prevention department of the Brussels firefighters.

Firefighters come to your home and offer CO detectors

As part of this awareness campaign, the Brussels Fire Brigade offers home visits to provide advice on preventing carbon monoxide poisoning. On this occasion, a CO detector is offered (request via [email protected]).


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