DayFR Euro

“Get out of the red”: manufacturers say they are forced to increase the prices of cold meats

A third of manufacturers in the delicatessen section lost money last year and will have to increase their prices to keep their heads above water and invest, the organization which defends their interests warned on Tuesday.

« Our businesses must be able to come out of the red », declared Christiane Lambert, new president of the Federation of French delicatessen and catering companies (Fict) and former boss of the majority agricultural union FNSEA.

Annual commercial negotiations

She calls for “ revaluations » purchase prices to manufacturers on the occasion of the start of annual commercial negotiations with supermarket brands, the scene of bitter discussions on product prices.

« There will be no French food sovereignty, there will be no processing in , if there are no profitable businesses. », Defends Ms Lambert, who has just left the presidency of the main agricultural pressure group in the European Union, Copa.

Nearly one in three charcuterie manufacturers (30%) closed the 2023 financial year with a loss, according to a study by the Banque de France commissioned by Fict, the Inaporc inter-professional association and the public establishment France AgriMer. It was one in four (25%) in 2022.

32,000 jobs

The net margin – which evaluates the income generated by the company in relation to its costs – has further eroded, to 0.9% of turnover on average for charcuterie companies, compared to 2.3% at scale of the entire agri-food industry.

« Our charcuterie companies process 75% of French pigs. If they experience difficulties, do not have the means to invest, to modernize, they lose their place on the shelves compared to imported products, which is also detrimental for breeders. », argues the president of Fict, herself a pork producer.

The organization has around 300 members: companies of all sizes, including heavyweights Herta, Fleury Michon and Aoste.

The meat processing industries represent 32,000 jobs in France.


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