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[EXCLUSIF] Murder of Subles: the manager of the nightclub testifies

Kylian Binard, 17, a promising boxer and champion of , was stabbed to death leaving the “L’Octavia” nightclub in Subles, on the night of Saturday September 28 to Sunday September 29. The young man, accompanied by friends, was preparing to leave the scene when Nasser B., 24, was arrested in the parking lot, the murder weapon still in his hand. Charlie Madelaine, manager of the nightclub, was present. He delivers an exclusive testimony to Boulevard Voltaire.

“A classic evening” which turns into drama

According to Charlie Madelaine, the evening started like any other. “It was a classic evening”explains the manager, used to managing many young people in his establishment. When the nightclub closes, around 6:30 in the morning, “there were still about twenty people”he reports. Kylian Binard, who had used a false identity card to enter (according to the manager, formal), “like many young people of his age”was present in the nightclub with his group of friends. Despite his young age, the young man was allowed to be present in the establishment, in accordance with the law, provided he was accompanied by an adult, which was the case that evening.

Things changed when Kylian and his friends headed towards the exit: they encountered the group of the alleged perpetrator of the stabbing. According to the manager, the altercation between the two groups did not immediately degenerate into a fight. “While the doormen were sorting out the situation, a person went to his car and returned with a knife”he relates, specifying that the victim was hit several times by this person, including a fatal blow to the throat. “The author of the stabbing left the nightclub at 6:40 a.m. At 6:42 a.m. he stabbed [qui ne sont pas visibles à la caméra, un bus obstruait son champ de vision, NDLR] and Kylian quickly fell behind the bus”indicates Charlie Madelaine.

A reactive, but powerless team

Despite the immediate intervention of his security team, made up of a former soldier and other employees trained in first aid, Kylian Binard succumbed to his injuries. “My partner, the director of the establishment, immediately went to the victim to give him first aid, but nothing helped”deplores Charlie Madelaine. “All her life, she will have this image in her head. »

“Another one of my security guards spotted a person covered in blood trying to give something to his friends”remembers the manager before continuing: « [L’auteur présumé] managed to get back into his legs and run to the barrier of the establishment. They ran behind him and tripped him. He fell and from there they controlled him until the police arrived”. The alleged perpetrator of the beating, dressed in a « sweat blanc » covered in blood, was quickly intercepted by a security guard in the parking lot. Nasser B. was subdued on the spot with the murder weapon in hand. “The firefighters and police, notified immediately, arrived in less than seven minutes”relates Mr. Madelaine again.

An establishment closed out of respect for the family

The manager, still in shock, made the decision to temporarily close the Octavia. “Regardless of the sanctions or not that the prefecture gives me, I have decided to close the establishment until further notice out of respect for the family and because neither my teams nor I are ready for that”confides Charlie Madelaine, visibly upset by the events.

Concerning Kylian’s condition at the time of the events, the manager of the establishment spoke with the young boxer’s trainer. “He told me that he was a boy with a healthy lifestyle and who drank little”he specifies. For the moment, an investigation entrusted to the research brigade of the gendarmerie is underway in order to shed light on this new tragedy.

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