DayFR Euro

the farm occupied by activists near Bordeaux demolished

Two weeks after the illegal occupation of the Esclopey farm by anti-LGV activists in Cadaujac, the stone building is being demolished. Located on the route of the Great South-West Railway Project (GPSO), it was acquired by the SNCF to be destroyed, like 34 other houses south of Bordeaux, over 12 kilometers.

“This demolition was planned, it was not accelerated by the occupation of the activists,” assures the SNCF. These houses have been identified for around ten years and the first phase of demolition has just started. The projects are planned according to the acquisition dates. »

The LGV non merci collective, at the initiative of the occupation which lasted less than twenty-four hours, regrets this destruction “even though the project is not yet financed and legal proceedings are underway”. He calls on his activists “to flourish occupations all along the route to protect homes and ecosystems threatened by this harmful project” and is considering other modes of action to block the construction site.


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