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VIDEO. Rain and mudslides: images of violent storms in Val-d’Oise

By Thomas Hoffmann
Published on

May 2, 24 at 11:48

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Rue François-Mauriac, in Vémars (Val-d’Oise), took on the appearance of a river during the evening of Wednesday May 1, 2024.

The town was particularly affected by the thunderstorms which struck Val-d’Oise, thus causing a significant mudslide at the entrance to the town, as evidenced by a video and photos posted on the Facebook page “You know you come from Vémars when”.

Five buildings were flooded, requiring the intervention, around 10:45 p.m., of three fire brigade vehicles to dry out the basements.

Pavilions and police station flooded

A few kilometers away, it is the post of Goussainville municipal police and its urban supervision center, which were also affected. “We intervened around 11 p.m. for the flooding of the 180 m2 premises,” explains an agent from the Departmental Service of the Val-d’Oise Departmental Fire and Rescue Operational Center (Codis 95).

While Val-d’Oise had been placed on orange “thunderstorm” alert from 7 p.m. Wednesday May 1, 2024, until Thursday May 2, 2024 3 a.m., it was more particularly the towns in the east of the department which were affected, Vémars and Goussainville therefore, but also “Chaumontel, Marly-la-Ville and Fosses”, continues the Codis agent.

During the evening and night, firefighters carried out 81 interventions. An assessment which should be revised upwards during the day while the interventions continued in particular at Pits where several fire engines were mobilized following mudslides having affected at least ten pavilions.

Water infiltration at Roissy airport and hijacked planes

Thunderstorms which also had an impact on air traffic, planes which had to land at Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle having had to be diverted. And for good reason, the airport was also flooded.

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Following the heavy hail that accompanied the storms, water infiltrated the terminals. According to the Flightradar website, around ten planes which were due to land at Roissy airport were diverted due to the weather episode.


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