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Here’s the best time of day to eat chocolate

A craving and a square of chocolate was quickly eaten. A situation that undermines your desire for a balanced diet. Here is the best time of day to consume it.

Chocolate, often pointed out as the enemy of the silhouette, actually hides some subtleties. It all depends on the type of chocolate you choose and its sugar content. Indeed, theglycemic index chocolate can vary from 60 to 20 depending on its cocoa percentage and its dose of sugar.

While the dark chocolate offers the lowest index, the White chocolatehe sits at the other end of the scale, offering us a range of choices between pleasure and moderation for our taste buds.

These different types of commercially available chocolate remind us that the sugar contained in our diet directly influences our blood sugar.

When the latter skyrockets, our body reacts by secreting‘insulina hormone responsible for redistributing the glucose to the cells so that they use it as fuel.

Be careful of the sugar in chocolate!

Remember: when our cells are full and glucose persists in the blood, it is stored in the muscles and the liver. However, these reservoirs have their limits. When they are saturated, excess glucose is converted into lipids and stored in fat cells.

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It is in these circumstances that the sugar present in high quantities in certain products, including chocolate, displays harmful repercussions on health, and can in particular lead to overweight.

All these data underline the importance of consuming chocolate with moderation, especially in its milk and white versions. In addition, recommendations suggest that it is best to enjoy this sweetness at very specific moments of the day.

Near Top HealthNathalie Negro, dietitian and head of the Nutritional Center of the Thermes de Brides-les-Bains, reported that there is no no perfect moment to enjoy chocolate. Most important ? Select a time that gives pleasurewhile avoiding overconsumption.

A time when it is best to consume chocolate for your health?

The expert therefore recommends choosing just one moment to take full advantage of it, thus avoiding succumbing to temptation All day long. This is the best way to respect a certain balance in terms of food.

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Regarding the blood sugarTHE Morning may be less conducive to consuming chocolate, especially if it is sweet, due to increased blood sugar reactivity at that time. However, dark chocolate, in small quantities, can be a option even in the morning.

For people with diabetesthe specialist recommends consuming milk or white chocolate at end of meals to limit the impact on blood sugar levels.

On the other hand, dark chocolate can be consumed without foodbecause it has less impact on blood sugar levels due to its reduced sugar content.

Among the alerts issued by Nathalie Negro? The dietitian warns againstadding fruit with square of chocolate to taste, pointing out that chocolate is already high in fat and sugar. A practice that nevertheless counts number of followers in children as well as adults.

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She recommends a moderate consumptionideally between 20 and 30 g per day, because beyond that, the digestion may become difficult due to increased bile production.

Finally, for people suffering from gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), chocolate, whether dark or not, should be avoided, as it tends to aggravate the latter.

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