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After the fire in Juigné-sur-, a condemned man tried to explain himself…


Shortbread Editorial

Published on

September 30, 2024 at 7:04 p.m.

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After a fire in a building Juigné-sur-Friday September 27, which could have turned into a tragedy, a man was arrested. He was judged this Monday September 30, 2024 in immediate appearance by the court of (Sarthe). The court accuses him of not having warned his neighbors of the fire even though he was aware of it.

“Come out, there’s a fire”

On the night of September 26 to 27, 2024, at 3 a.m., a man who returned early from work saw a burning building rue des Vignes in Juigné-sur-Sarthe, where his friends’ daughter lives. “Come out, there’s fire!” » then says the man who manages to reach the young woman of around twenty on the phone. She rushes outside and sees that her building is on fire.

She bangs on the door of each of her neighbors. Another woman amplifies alert by honking. All the residents are awake. In all, around twenty people were spared by a fire which ravaged the building.

He leaves without warning

The fire was caused by one of the tenantsquickly identified by the police. Arrested, he explained to them that he had been negligent in smoking in his apartment and had set the fire. He allegedly tried to put it out with a pan of water. Failing to do so… he left.

By bike, he went to his former partner’s house in Auvers-le-Hamon40 minutes from home, without telling anyone. Arriving at her house, he will not find her and goes to his former mother-in-law who will close the door in his face without mentioning the fire.

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“The only person who came to mind was my ex-partner”

To the gendarmes who asked him why he did not simply call for help with his phone, he explained that he had thought about doing so, but that his device had remained in the flames.

“The only person who came to mind was my ex-partner,” he said in a calm, monotone voice. Giving confused explanations, the defendant, already known to the courts – and whose accommodation was not assured – expressed regret and said he was “sorry for the victims.” »

“All the work of so many years going up in smoke”

“There are people’s lives and all the work of so many years is going up in smoke,” declared the owner of the building, almost entirely destroyed by the flames.

“I spent two hours under fire, it’s scary to stay two hours under fire,” explained the young woman who raised the alarm on the stand.

She bears witness to the start of her upstairs neighbor’s evening. “We could hear a lot of noise from furniture or objects falling to the floor until 1 a.m..”

“Idiot behavior”

“Whatever the reasons, it is not admissible,” declared the prosecutor who requested a sentence of 10 months in prison with a two-year probationary suspension.

For his part, Me Nicolas Bouthière, the defendant’s lawyer, spoke of “imbecile behavior” on the part of his client.

The defendant was sentenced to 10 months in prison with a 2-year probationary suspension.

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