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Attempted murder in Tournai: “It was either him or me”

Thibaut had had an altercation with another man, who was in reality his partner’s ex-boyfriend. “I had no intention of causing death and the knife, it was his, not me. I almost didn’t even know this guy. He had hit my wife and was harassing us. I lost everything when he gave me the finger.”

Thibaut and his partner were driving past this man’s house on the day of the incident. “I got out of the car and went to the ignition, admits the defendant. He was bothering my wife. He pulled out a knife, it was either him or me. I put him in an armlock and he came crashing down on the knife three times.”

“I’m going to crash you”

This version does not hold, according to the public prosecutor. “One of the stab wounds caused the victim to suffer a pneumothorax, thus explains the prosecutor. The defendant told him: “I’m going to crash you.” Then he drove away. A witness saw the defendant take out a knife and hit the other protagonist. Attempted murder is established. Gentleman has many backgrounds. I require 5 years.”

The defense does not see it that way and requested acquittal with the benefit of the doubt. “My client is detained for other reasons and will not be released from prison for four years. He is not appreciated by the police for having already been convicted of rebellion and outrages. First there was a provocation with the middle finger. My client responded and made contact. Two versions oppose each other. He assures that he overpowered the other man and that the latter injured himself with the knife. The witness was terrified and hid. So he couldn’t see the scene properly. He only saw the knife when the scene was over.”

The defense requested a reclassification as assault causing incapacity of less than 4 months. “There was never any homicidal intent. 5 years is too much.”

Judgment on October 24.


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