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Audiences September 2024: CNews, stronger than BFMTV, begins the season with a sharp increase, LCI declines, Franceinfo emerges at 1%

CNews begins the new season as it ended the previous one, leading the audiences ahead of BFMTV. Between Monday September 2 and Sunday September 29, 2024, the Canal+ group channel brought together, on average, 3,2% of the entire public aged four and over (4+). Its audience share is up 0.7 points over one year, the strongest increase for all channels over this period. BFMTV, CNews’ challenger for the third month this year after May and June, reached an audience share of 2,9%or 0.2 points less than the start of the 2023 school year. This is the largest historical gap favorable to CNews between the two antennas.

CNews leader 9 times out of 10 during the week, BFMTV maintains control at the weekend

Over 28 days measured by Médiamétrie, CNews outperformed BFMTV 18 times, always during the week. Among the other highlights of the month, let us note that channel 16 obtained its best audience share on Tuesday September 24, 2024 (4.4%). Eight days earlier, “L’heure des pros”, the daily presented by Pascal Praud, one of its flagship presenters, achieved a historic result. That morning, in fact, more than one viewer in five attended the show (21.4% of the public).

Marc-Olivier Fogiel therefore leaves BFMTV in defeat. If the news channel of Rodolphe Saadé’s RMC BFM group maintains control over the weekend, it loses ground against its competitor during the week. From Monday to Friday, BFMTV, which made room for Éric Brunet in its back-to-school schedule, only climbed to the top of the podium on barely two occasions: on Wednesday 4 (3.8% versus 3 .4% for CNews) and Thursday September 5 (4.8% against 4.3% for channel 16), date of the appointment of Michel Barnier at Matignon. Between the two channels, the gap increased to 1.3 points on Tuesday September 24, thanks to CNews (4.4% for channel 16 compared to 3.1% for 15).

READ ALSO: Marc-Olivier Fogiel bids farewell to BFMTV: With Hervé Béroud, “we have changed the dimension” of the news channel

In third position with an audience share of 1,7%LCI is down 0.3 points over one year. Greater than or equal to 2 points seven days out of 28 measured, its daily audience share reached up to 2.5% on Thursday September 5.

In fourth position, Franceinfo progressed by 0.2 points compared to the start of the school year in September 2023 and reached, as in June 2024, the symbolic threshold of 1,0% audience share in September: it particularly stood out on Wednesday September 12 and Thursday September 18 with up to 1.3% audience share over these two days.

Channel audiences in September 2024

(channel / market share / evolution over one year / evolution over one month)

1. CNews: 3.2% / + 0,7 / + 0,9
2. BFMTV: 2.9% / – 0.2 / + 0.4
3. LCI : 1,7% / – 0,3 / + 0,2
4. Franceinfo: 1.0% / + 0.2 / + 0.3


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