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“I did everything so that what happened to me would not be repeated”: the first victim of Taha O. confides after the murder of Philippine

At the end of last June, as he reached the end of the sentence he has been serving for rape since October 2021, the man suspected of the murder of the student was released. This release from prison will, however, be short-lived, since he was then arrested in Switzerland last Tuesday, now the subject of a judicial investigation for rape and homicide by the French authorities, who indicated that they would quickly request his extradition .

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Taha O. would therefore have reoffended, barely three months after his release from prison. A tragedy that could have been avoided, according to a previous victim of the same individual, who spoke for the first time this Sunday, September 29, in a letter addressed to AFP and relayed by HuffPost. On condition of anonymity, she pleads for more means to prevent “recidivism of sexist and sexual crimes“, asking furthermore “the launch of a commission of inquiry” regarding recidivism. “I am the first victim of Taha O. I think of Philippine and her family, and I am immensely sad. I would like to comfort them, comfort her, but I only face the unbearable void left by her death“, we can read. “I did everything to ensure that what happened to me would not be repeated. I filed a complaint […]held firm during the two years of investigation, instruction and then trial, telling myself that my approach would protect other women”she then laments, before questioning: “Why has the prison system failed to prevent this recidivism? Why were we unable to stop this escalation of violence leading to the murder of a young woman?”

The investigation into intentional homicide was entrusted to the criminal brigade of the judicial police.


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