DayFR Euro

the French ready to do anything to find the best prices

The search for the best price for gasoline or diesel to fill your tank thus involves driving a few kilometers more, for a large majority of drivers. More than three-quarters of French people (77%) do not rush to the first service station on their way, details the Roole automobile club, in its latest observatory.

A culture of “making do” and sacrifice causing people to waste time and travel more kilometers. Except that this affects the monthly fuel budget. Almost half of drivers (49%) can save between €100 and €300 per month by doing this.

So, take note to service station managers, low prices are a real strong argument for attracting motorists. This is all the more felt for large stores, which can attract more consumers, with many drivers sometimes not hesitating to do their shopping at the place where they fill up with gas.

E85, the solution for French motorists?

But comparing fuel prices and fighting to find the best rates is not always enough. Thus, some French people are sensitive to other technologies allowing them to reduce their fuel bills.

A quarter of them are looking with interest at the technologies allowing them to run on E85 bioethanol, an economical gasoline, offered around 1€/L. They are seriously considering installing a box or kit along these lines. As for LPG, also affordable, 18% are considering converting their engine.

Finally, the lack of budget is also felt on the parts. 51% of respondents favor second-hand items rather than new ones. Interesting when we know that many motorists no longer even have the means to repair their vehicles. 49% of them have also revised their contracts (insurance, parking, etc.) downwards.

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To summarize

Fuel prices have been falling for several months. Despite everything, they still remain expensive. And consumers to adapt accordingly. Motorists do not hesitate to make some sacrifices to find the best prices.


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