DayFR Euro

The XIII Limouxin in gold

the essential
Super XIII – 2nd day Cardiac abstain, between the Limouxins and the Catalans, who gave it their all, the piece having fallen to the Blanquetiers side in extra time.

There was no observation round since Quentin Crunel stood out from the start by breaking the line and, with a fake pass from behind, pointed between the posts. But Valentin Yésa receives a yellow card for anti-play and the sanction is immediate following a beautiful skipped pass from Castany for his winger Séguela (6-6). The Limouxins then took charge of the match, like the omnipresent Constantin Mika who scored powerfully. The Catalans showed themselves to be undisciplined and Matis Dall’Asta, author of a faultless foot, added two penalties before Castany offered a caviar to Aispuro-Bichet on a winning interval (16-12). The locals will increase the score through Yann Belmaaziz well served by Ford and Matis Dall’Asta passes another penalty (24-12). The chase continues and, shortly before the break, Quentin Crunel is refused a try, just like Corentin Rey who contests and receives a yellow card.

Magic Crunel

From the restart, the Catalans put a lot of pressure on the Limouxins who had all the trouble in the world to get out of their camp and were rewarded by their two wingers, Seguela on one side and Rey on the other, allowing them to pick up the score (24-22). The Blanquetiers suffer but do not give in and the young Quentin Crunel will make the powder speak with his legs of fire, first with a recovery of a candle on his line and a fantastic ride all over the field then by breaking the line, Dall’Asta ensuring the two transformations from the sidelines (36-22).

Catalan quarter hour

We think the Limouxins are safe before the famous Catalan quarter of an hour where, in turn, Seguela offers himself a hat-trick on a chistera from Aispuro-Bichet, then Rey for his double (36-34). The suspense is at its height and, on the horn, Devoyon ensures the draw on a penalty (36-36).

Extra time lasted only two minutes, the Limoux forwards advanced in the middle and Jonathon Ford ensured the saving drop (37-36).

LIMOUX37 St-Estève.36

In Limoux. Needle Stadium.

Half-time: 24-12.

Arbitration by Mr. Vincent.

For Limoux: 5 tries Crunel (2, 60, 64), Garrouste (15), Yann Belmaaziz (31); 5 conversions, 3 penalties (21, 24, 34) M. Dall’Asta; 1 Ford drop (82).

Yellow cards: in Limoux, Yésa (5); in St-Estève, Rey (39).

For St-Estève: 6 essais Seguela (7, 42, 68), Aispuro (27), Rey (58, 75) ; 4 transformations (7, 27, 58,75) Aispuro ; 2 penalties Aispuro (68), Devoyon (79).

Limoux: Crunel, Garrouste, Ader, M. Dall’Asta, Blasi, Ford, Thérond, Yésa, Ribas, Biville, Yann Belmaaziz, Cousin, Mika; H. Garcia, Cabanne, Yanis Belmaaziz.

St-Estève: Aispuro-Bichet, Lam, Zenon, Martin, Séguéla, Devoyon, Castany, Vailhem, Llong, Nahal, Humbert, Masuaute, Margalet ; Castano, Fernandez, Hugues, Tignol.


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