DayFR Euro

Onet-le-Château. Onet-Cap: full success of the day “to tame the screens”

The first day to tame screens initiated by the municipality in response to a request from early childhood professionals, relayed by numerous partners, including the departmental council, found a very positive response from the people concerned. Already the day before, 11 classes (i.e. no less than 240 children and their teachers) took part and enjoyed it to the point, for some, of coming back the next day with their parents!

Cathy Couffin, deputy mayor in charge of early childhood, childhood and youth, after excusing the mayor – “ he is very sensitive on this subject and he is the first to advise children to master the use of screens and to preserve a good night’s sleep ” – recalled the objectives of this day which, far from wanting to ban screens, had the ambition to control their use. “Parents and children need to be aware that we can completely do without screens for an hour, half a day or whatever and do many other activities together…”.

A successful bet since more than 250 people followed the signposted route (with numerous breaks to play) from the game of hopscotch at reception, through the alternative trunks to the screens (by age group); fun activities of the MJC; “Le Petit resto de la santé” by the French mutuality (mandated by the Agglo); the CPIE taste workshop; discussion workshops led by Marine Cluzel to cultivate the pleasure of being and sharing as a family; sporting activities with Ufolep; board and wooden games from the toy library; books from the media library; games to make with AFEV; 3D creations with services; games with the community’s early childhood structures and finally a final stand for the children to give their opinion on this day…

By unanimous opinion, this premiere was particularly successful, in an original format which allowed fruitful sharing and exchanges, and which undoubtedly calls for others…


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