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Laurence Arné recounts the birth of her love story with Dany Boon on the set of La Ch’tite famille

You don’t change a winning recipe! Ten years after the box office Welcome to the Ch’tiswhich has become cult with more than 20 million cinema admissions in , one of the biggest box office successes with Avatar et TitanicDany Boon once again staged his origins in The little familybroadcast Sunday September 29, 2024 at 9:10 p.m. on TF1. The actor and director from Armentières, located of course in the department, plays Valentin, a very snobbish architect designer who lied about his origins to integrate the very select Parisian luxury world. So when, following an accident, he loses his memory and finds himself twenty years in the past, with his ch’ti accent and his mannerisms not really in keeping with the sector in which he operates, the shock is total. Especially when part of his family arrives in by surprise!

The little family : a cast almost exclusively from the North

In The little familyDany Boon has brought together a very ch’ti cast, starting with his “cinema mom”the one who already played her mother in Welcome to the Ch’tisthe one and only Line Renaud. The one the actor said she was “a beautiful gift of life” and who has a strange relationship with his mother, therefore once again embodies his mother on screen. As for Valentin’s brother and sister-in-law in the film, they are played by Guy Lecluyse, originally from , and by Valérie Bonneton, who was already Dany Boon’s partner in the comedy Eyjafjallajökull. Finally, to portray his father in The little familyhere again Dany Boon called on an actor from the North since it is Pierre Richard. This is the first time that the two actors have been brought together to star in the same film, to the great delight of Dany Boon, as he confided in the press kit for The little family. “I was very touched that he agreed to star in my film. The first days on set, I couldn’t believe it“, he explained. In fact, one of the only people who is not from the North in the cast of The little familyit’s Laurence Arné, who plays Constance, Valentin’s partner. And for good reason, the actress herself defines her character as “a young woman quite Parisian in spirit, especially at the beginning of the film“.

The little family : love on a set for Dany Boon and Laurence Arné

This is not the first time that Dany Boon and Laurence Arné have been partners in a film. In fact, the actor and director had already played with the actress in the film Radin !. But on the set of The little family an unexpected event occurs: love has struck them. Asked in June 2024 about her relationship with Dany Boon, Laurence Arné returned to the birth of their beautiful love story. “I got along well with the director! Great meeting, we fell in love while working together and it changed a lot of things, it’s magnificent. He has become a mentor and inspires me a lot. There is a real artistic complicity and it’s great. I am very lucky“, she said. Since then, Dany Boon and Laurence Arné have formed a large blended family, and regularly share film projects. In 2020, they co-wrote the screenplay for the film 8, rue de l’Humanitéfilmed during confinement and, in 2024, Dany Boon starred alongside Laurence Arné in her very first film as a director, The Hennedricks Family.


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