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In Hérouville, the book Joséphine Baker wins the Easy to read prize

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Set up by the library network of -la-Mer (), the Easy to read operation aims to make books accessible to people who are far from reading. Thursday September 26, 2024, the presentation of the Facile à lire prize brought together a large audience around the show created by singer-actress Élodie Huet.

Élodie Huet, singer-actress, staged the life of Joséphine Baker, for the Easy to read prize. | WEST FRANCE


  • Élodie Huet, singer-actress, staged the life of Joséphine Baker, for the Easy to read prize. | WEST FRANCE

For what ? How ?

What is Easy to Read?

Since 2019, a network of nine libraries, managed by Caen-la-Mer, has had an Easy to Read space, which aims to make books accessible to people who are far from reading.

Every year, librarians select books for a competition. This favorite of professionals is also the subject of actions carried out by several organizations whose missions are social integration, aid to migrants, literacy, feminism,…


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